(Urgent) Question about Verification Badges

Hey All,
I noticed that once you get a verification badge, it says that if you change your username or display name, you won’t get it back. I have a friend who’s verified and would like to change his username without losing the badge, and I’ve gotten mixed responses on whether that’s actually true.
If any Roblox staff could confirm this once and for all, that’d be greatly appreciated as this is a very important decision for him.

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I’m pretty sure if you change your username/display name, you’ll lose it, but if you email Roblox Support afterwards they can give you it back.


Your badge will automatically be revoked if you do any of the following after you receive the badge:

  • You change your display name or username
  • You disable Authenticator on your account

I see, do you have any source on this?

Yeah I understand that, I’m just not sure if they will give you it back if you meet the requirements during the next verification wave. Any idea on this?

What if I don’t want the badge?

Your badge will automatically be revoked if you do any of the following after you receive the badge:

  • You change your display name or username
  • You disable Authenticator on your account

How do I re-enable the badge?

If you previously had a badge, but had it removed for non-policy violating reasons, you can contact Customer Support to request a badge re-grant. Before contacting Customer Support, please make sure that:

  • Authenticator is enabled
  • ID Verification is done
  • User and display names are the same as when you originally received the badge

Thanks for the source. However, I’ve seen people who have gotten the badge and told me they’ve changed their usernames more than 3 times and still got it back so if there are any official staff members who can confirm this or anyone’s in contact, that would be greatly appreciated.

I’m sorry to inform you, but no staff member is going to visit this post and confirm anything. I literally just gave you the answer to your question and gave you a credible source by Roblox.

If you change your username, you get it removed. You can contact Roblox support to get it back again. It is that simple.

Clcik this

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I asked support to give me back my verified badge after I changed my username and they told me I needed to change my username back to what I had when I got verified

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Did you do that recently? I notice you still don’t have the badge

Hello, sorry for being late but what part of support did you contact?

I can’t seem to find a category that fits the issue.

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Sorry I don’t remember which category I picked. I’d pick moderation or technical support.

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A bit late i know but if theres not a specific catagory then i would choose “How to - Other” and works most of the time

Just the description is important

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Can confirm that emailing support works, even if you no longer meet the eligibility criteria (ugc sales, monthly playtime hours, brand followers). I received mine through development work and even though I no longer have edit access to the game I earned it from, I got it re-enabled after accidentally changing my display name last week and emailing Roblox support under “Technical support → Specific experience issue”.


Hey, thanks for sharing. Did you change your username to your original one and they gave you it back? I’m pretty sure that’s allowed. However, if you want to change it to something else, do you know if they will still reinstate it?

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Hello, is this recent? Roblox has stopped given verified badges in the past 3 months (Last wave was 5th october) and I’m wondering if disabling my authenticator, change it to another phone and later contacting support will still get me back the badge.