Receiving an error with DataStore. Not sure how to fix

Here are the errors. I’m using this PlayerDataStore module: PlayerDataStore Module - Roblox

I use :Save() to save data, and :Get() to get data. Not sure if I’m supposed to be doing other things. My game is currently down right now because of this error. It just started happening randomly. Did I reach the data store limit?

This is a known bug and is being looked into:

Thank you! Sorry for not looking around. Was just panicking. :slight_smile:

You aren’t using Pcall right?

You should always warp DataStore stuff with a Pcall so it does not stop the script execution.


Make sure to use pcall.

Your datastores may take a while to load atm(datastores are down/being slow).

But it’ll keep your player data from going wrong in rare moments like these where it can be harmful to the player