Strange DataStore CURL error causing DataStore service to fail most, if not all, of the time across many games

Thank you for the data!

Any fix yet? Had to shut my game down completely :confused: But I don’t notice it in anyone else’s games :confused: please help…


Yeah, still is in the same state as earlier :frowning:

Still experiencing issues. It’s not 100%, but it’s enough to keep me from working on my game (data won’t load).

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Yeah same :confused:

I’m having this issue myself

Luckily I have a system in place that doesn’t save your data unless it has loaded in. The player’s data will be safe, but it will get annoying when you’re stuck on the loading screen.

Also I have a console warn whenever it fails to get data

This loading screen won’t go away until your data loads

Edit: Finally it loaded, but it took ages of pcall retries

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Same here, can’t load DataStore data for my game I’m developing/testing on.


Experiencing issues in both studio and online

same,broke my game

Thank you for waiting for a response. This issue has been resolved! :slight_smile:


Any background on what went wrong?

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haha lol I think that data could not be saved one is mine

Roblox is in PST right? So the engineering team stayed up until 11:30pm to fix this, thank you!


I have the same error too.

I saw it in dev console…

and this…

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The error is still happening in studio for me.

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And error rates jumped up a bit

Earlier it was 14 failed, like 2 hours ago.

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Might be a dns cache issue. When you get a chance please flush your dns cache and let us know if you still see those error messages.

Thanks for the report! :slight_smile:

Chatting with engineering about the issue - do you have a link to the game this is occurring at?

The errors have not gone up since, it must of spiked for a few minutes or something, going to do a more in depth stats check.

Got a better chart setup, indeed seems to be the case that it was a spike.

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These errors seem to be happening again as well as massive server lag. Ping is around 3000-5000. Anyone know what’s up?