[Urgent!] Roblox Studio crash whenever I open games with unions made before the update

if I try to open http://www.roblox.com/Innovation-Research-Labs-place?id=24040136 or http://www.roblox.com/UNJAG-Unnamed-Juggernaut-Attacking-Game-Alpha-place?id=178521437 Roblox freezes and then just displays the standard Roblox crash window. This occurs on a few years old Windows 7 PC and a brand new Windows 8 PC, with two different file saves of the games and also occurs when opening with the Edit button on the website. I thought it was to do with Unions but when I opened a new place, made a union, and saved it, it didnt crash.
I can open some places, and it does seem to be only places with no unions in, as everyplace I have tried to open which contains a union has crashed excepting the test place I mentioned earlier.

I am able to join these places with the play button on roblox player, just not with studio.
I also re-installed Roblox studio, no effect.

Looking into it. Able to repro on my machine. :frowning:

Why didn’t these get uploaded to GameTest1 for testing!

I’m checking exactly whats going wrong right now, give me a little time.

Question: Did you modify the Data in the .rbxl files at any time? Or get CSG Meshes from someone who did?

Both of your levels crash when I try to process a Mesh that is composed of 3 vertices and 3 indices, which is obviously wrong data. This doesn’t excuse me from not having a try-catch dealing with this situation, but I’m just curious as to how you got into this configuration on two levels?

Takes me over 5 minutes to load a map that has 20k parts, and maybe 5 different types of unions.

I think a revert should definitely happen for now.

[quote] Takes me over 5 minutes to load a map that has 20k parts, and maybe 5 different types of unions.

I think a revert should definitely happen for now. [/quote]

Link to level (I just need the asset id)? Also once you save it, it won’t happen again. It’s simply processing the data the first time on open.


In InnovationLabs you have a ServerStorage->Guns->Shotgun which holds a corrupt CSG mesh that apparently has a child with only a single triangle.

In UNJAG you have a Workspace->Lobby->Model AND ServerStorage->Items->3->Gun bot have empty CSG Models.

If I Separate them, they are “BlobbyblobBuild_Player1” part with a Wedge mesh the size of 0, 0.777, 1. What are these things? Who made these Triangles and why were they unioned with any of your parts.

Here is my plan of action:
[li]I will patch Studio on Thursday to fix this[/li]
[li]If you want access to this place before then, feel free to Private Message me and I can delete the offending meshes from the level and email you the level. Send me your email in a private message if this sounds appealing.[/li]
[li]Figure out why you have these meshes here in the first place?[/li]

Why is this happening!?!?!?!

For practical purposes I built the guns in studio much larger than there actual size, also using a triangle plug-in, and scaled them down.
However, the CmdUtl scale script I normally used does not work anymore. And the only one I could find that did was in BuildV4. And Build V4 locks parts to it’s user by naming them Blobbyblobbuild-PlayerName. Hence the name. Then I unioned all the parts I could after scaling down, so that could be part of the issue.
After union scaling was introduced Quenties CmdUtl was patched to fix scale and work with unions, so I unioned and then scaled with Quenties CmdUtl.
However both scales seem to SERIOUSLY dislike the triangles created with the triangle plugin I used (triangle workshop I think) hence that triangle as some seem to get scaled incorrectly.

Since unioning is, to be honest, horrible to do and mostly glitches, I resorted to just highlighting parts of the gun and unioning in them together until it errored, then trying more parts until I had reduced it to an acceptable part count. It seems when making the shotgun I unioned a triangle with itself and then was unable to union that with anything else, as the Item 3 in UNJAG is the shotgun and there’s a shotgun on a desk in the lobby.

I didnt modify any .rbxl files, and if it’s just the shotgun mesh causing problems I can try and union and scale the full model again and hope it doesnt break. If you could delete the glitchy parts I’ll PM you my e-mail and do the unions again. Thanks for helping out!

Okay, so it’s all the same item just hanging out there? Anyway, I’ll patch a fix in on Thursday, but do you want to PM me your email and I can send you both the levels without Shotguns so that you can work on the levels if needbe?

EDIT: Woops, saw your reply. Give me a sec.

That would be good thanks.
Yep, it seems the Shotgun got corrupted somewhere when I unioned it and so has glitched all the places I put it in.

Also, has anyone got any recommendations for a good scale script? I’m having rather bad luck with the ones I’ve tried it seems :frowning:

We just patched a fix for this:

FYI, if you open Studio and you see one or both of these messages in your output:

20:26:20.015 - Generating Physics Data for Union Failed: Generated empty Decomposition
20:26:20.016 - Legacy Part not compatible with Physics, try separating and simplifying

You have a corrupted CSG in there somewhere. Publishing and playing should not crash the game even with these bad CSGs (I made sure of it), but just be aware if you are seeing this.

You sure? I can’t open a heavy CSG place now. http://www.roblox.com/ROBLOX-Universe-Testing-place?id=175639016
And I do not even have the file. :frowning: