! urgent terrain help!

I’ve been hired to script a digging game (the one trending on yt), and one of our competitors somehow retextured and rescaled terrain (yeah crazy stuff). It looks completely different than roblox’s terrain and the minimal hole size is somehow smaller. The playermodel isn’t scaled up, no trickery like that going on. I know it’s terrain because it behaves exactly like roblox terrain by shape.

How can I retexture and apply a custom scaling to terrain?

Retexturing has been solved, I only need a way to “resize” the terrain

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Whenever you have a problem I recommend you check the documentation.


See those zigzag lines? (2nd image is about 4 lines per stud)
It’s like they somehow changed the voxel size, although i found nothing about in nowhere, even in documentation
So the main question is; How the hell did they size their voxel grid down from 4x4x4 to whatever they’re using?

Did you try using decimal sizes of voxels in your script?

There is no script. We have a preset test terrain that I guess works on the default voxel size roblox has. Could you give me an example of what you mean exactly?

could you explain how you achieved this retexturing for other people wanting to do this?

It’s done using MaterialService’s properties

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Roblox terrain only supports a voxel size of 4 studs, there is a resolution parameter for terrain functions but it only supports a value of 4 so there’s no way they’ve changed the resolution.

There’s two solutions, either they’re using editable meshes and have created a custom terrain system but a lot goes into creating a system like that with acceptable collisions and performance. I doubt something like that would’ve been made for a trend game unless it was made beforehand.

The other solution is that Model:ScaleTo() has been used on workspace, and for anything added into it or anything using stud distances they’re also scaled / multiplied by the workspace’s scale using Model:GetScale() or caching the workspace’s current scale. So if the scale of workspace is 2, then the relative terrain voxel size would be the same as having a resolution of 2 studs since the world is double the size so terrain size is halved.

Player upscaling (and therefor everything else) is possible, but very unlikely. The theoretical maximum is 5x original size, as gravity caps at 1000. I’ve also compared the diamond plate material to my avatar, and unless they changed that (very unlikely), it proves that the game is not upscaled

The experience I’m referring to is A Digging Game [NEW ⛏️] - Roblox

The Terrain pictures you showed have small holes. This can be done by changing the Terrain tools Size and Strength. I’m not sure how this would be used in game to dig holes though.

Explosions also can damage Terrain, so I wonder if they are using very small explosions in their script to dig small holes in the Terrain.

It’s like as if everything around me including the player was scaled up, but I confirmed that this isn’t the case
The voxels are just impossibly compact
(Focus is on the grass ledges and floating bits)

Try this in your terrain.
Explosion block test for Terrain.rbxm (4.3 KB)

A 2x2x2 block with a script that creates an explosion every 5 seconds that you can test in Studio using Run.
Move it around with the Move tool on or inside Terrain. You can experiment while running by changing the BlastRadius IntValue named Radius and the BlastPressure IntValue named Press inside the Part to see how they affect the size of the hole that’s created. I turned off the Visible property of the explosion and switched the colour of the Part from gray to red when the explosion fires.

It doesn’t explode much and leaves the Terrain with sharp edges (I tried Ground, Sand, Grass, and Snow, but there may be a Terrain Material that leaves rounder edges.

When I first tried it’s interesting that I could create a hole smaller than .5 x .5 .x .5 studs inside a large block of Terrain when I decreased the Radius size to 2 (studs).

Like @shadowflame63 said it looks like they’ve increased the size of the game to smooth out the terrain.
You’re assumptions that they haven’t messed with the Material textures may be incorrect. It’s not difficult to create your own Material texture to replace the original Roblox textures now for Parts as well as Terrain by using the Material Manager tools.


The script seems to not differ from :FillBall(pos,rad,Enum.Material.Air), as it still gets affected by said voxel limit. It’s difficult to tell if their game is scaled up as you mentioned that materials aren’t reliable. It is, however, the only solution I can think of for now.