Usage for Vector2 and Rect?


So I was wondering for the Usage of Vector2 as it seems to be a very uncommon thing to find in scripts, with the exception of AbsolutePosition and AbsoluteRotation (If it does use Vector2?) on UI, but that’s really all I could find

It can also be used with Rect but I have never seen anybody (In the History of ever) use it.

According to Documentation for Rect:

The Rect data type is used in the ImageLabel.SliceCenter property, which determines the center area of a scaled image.

Is that all it does, or this there something more to it?

You use a Vector2, anytime you only need 2 dimensions.
This is mostly when working with the UI, because you only need x,y

I use Vector2 with…
mini map,
spline editor,
mouse module

This was like 2 months ago, and I’m not really concerned over this anymore, so Ill mark this as the solution even if it doesnt exactly help.

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