Hello, I am the [COS] Chief Of Staff for United States Army.

This Devforum Post is for the Rules for our games, groups and others. This is for a professional and active community.

rules 2

The following Contents below will state the rules and guidelines while playing or exploring our experiences. Breaking the rules will result in a punishment on a low or serious consequence due to your actions.

1A. Unprofessionalism or Trolling on our grounds will imminently result in a punishment.
Level: H (Severe Warning)

2A. Breaking into a Restricted Area on our grounds will imminently result in a punishment.
Level: Unknown (Depends on the Area)

3A. Unable to stay active as an Officer will result in a punishment.
Level: Demotion (Upon how long)

4A. Disrespect to Staff or a Superior on or off grounds.
Level: Demotion/Warning

5A. Underage Account will result in a punishment.
Level: Kick

6A. Not using Grammar on grounds or in the group.
Level: Warning or ultimately a Demotion.

7A. Using things you are not allowed to.
eg. Using a helicopter in ASOC as awaiting placement or in training.
Level: Exile from Regiment or Warning.

8A. Free Ranking
Level: Demotion to E1 and exile from Regiment (if in regiment)

9A. Not using proper gear.
Level: Warning, 3 warnings will be an exile from the regiment.
eg. Using a cap and stuff while flying a helicopter.

10A. Not following proper prodocalls.
Level: Warning

11A. Underage (Under 13)
Level: Kickwarn

12A. Glitching
Level: Kickwarn

13A. Hacking/Exploiting
Level: Ban/Pban.

14A. Abusing Commands
Level: Demotion & Warning.
eg. :bring all
eg. :give me (tool name)

15A. Tool Abuse
Level: Warning/Kickwarn


Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How do I join the group?
A. There’s signs in-game that show you how to.

Q: How do I join a division/regiment?
A. Attend a tryout hosted in-game.


Official Rules


TRADOC [Training & Doctrine Command]

Signed By
Chief Of Staff


We strongly encourage you if you need help or have any questions feel free to message me or any of my Staff.

More rules will be posted soon, thanks for reading if you got this far.


Tysyaka’s United States Army was Founded May 2022. The Army profession is a unique vocation of experts who are entrusted to defend the Constitution and the rights and interests of the American people. More than an indication of pay grade, Army ranks provide a system of leadership that indicates a Soldier’s level of expertise, responsibility and authority inside that profession. Regardless of rank, every Soldier has a significant role in the total Army mission.

Information Regarding the President

The President of the United States Of America (POTUS) is NOT allowed to fly, kill or join a regiment upon being elected and selected president. They won’t be exiled from their regiment but, they will have to not join that team or you will be punished.

POTUS or VPOTUS have total authority to exile you or punish you on or off grounds for reasons that include of breaking the rules, or roblox TOS.

Breaking the ROBLOX TOS President (POTUS) or Vice President (VPOTUS) have total authority. They cannot arrest, but they can call MPC or kick you or ban you. They can’t warn you for regiment reasons if they are not a HR in the Regiment/Division.

If I catch you disrespecting or being rude to those in power you will RECIEVE the punishment. I’ve had to many people get away with Disrespecting Me or my Staff. I’ve been called Idiots by lots of people because they got punished by our Staff. They also have disrespected me because of my staff with past experiences.

Just because you have past experiences with the player and you do not like them DOES NOT GIVE YOU AUTHORITY to DISRESPECT or ANNOY MY STAFF.

If you catch anyone disrespecting any of my staff imminently punish them.

Chief Of Staff.