Use MouseButton1Down on an array of Buttons


I have an array of buttons stored as instances. How would I be able to do MouseButton1Down signal for every button in the array.

Example array:

    [1] = TextButton

I tried this code, but I didn’t expect it to work:


Thanks in advance for any help :+1:

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You could loop trought the array like this:

ExampleArray = {
[1] = TextButton,
[2] = TextButton2

for i, TextButtons in pairs(ExampleArray) do

EDIT: i did a quick test and it works! I can press 2 buttons using only one event.

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Tested this and it doesn’t seem to work.


for _, button in pairs(EdgeInstances) do


    [1] = TextButton
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why is your array like this?, its not defined…

    [1] = TextButton

it should be:

EdgeInstances = {
    [1] = TextButton

oh yeah and make sure “TextButton” is referring to the textbutton you need to click and nothing else

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Ye sorry I’m just pasting in the output as I’m printing the variable EdgeInstances for debugging.

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Can you make a print like this please?


This is to make sure you are reffering to the textbutton…
Another thing to note: the script i used to test was in StarterGui.
This could potentially explain the issue


Just noting, you would want to store the ScriptSignal in another array for when you want to disconnect them.

A more lightweight approach however, would be to detect user input of the mouse and then checking if they pressed a button using BasePlayerGui:GetGuiObjectsAtPosition. Personally this is my preferred method, as you don’t have to continually connect and disconnect button events. Instead you just need to create a very simple UI state system with a state tracker. Then you can store the button elements in a dictionary with their function and just call that function.


ClassName prints as TextButton. I will look into the other things you said.

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make sure you are searching for the PlayerGui, not the StarterGui, otherwise it won’t work

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The problem was solved with your previous code and moving it to the StarterGui


This approach seems interesting. Will have a look into this

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I noticed a flaw in this code only now. This only seems to work for one of the buttons in the array. Is the same happening to you? Any ideas how to fix this?

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just make sure you made the array the right way and the buttons are defined like this: script.Parent.TextButton or smth like that.

ExampleArray = {
[1] = script.Parent.TextButton, -- <-- notice the comma
[2] = script.Parent.TextButton2
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Yes everything in the array is correct. I’ve switched over to using @BuilderBob25620 's method now which works fine. And as he stated it should be more lightweight. Thanks anyway.