Use Python to interact with the Roblox API with!

Can you get the online or offline status of the player?

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I would assume so using the Presence API in it


Iā€™m still working on Presence - Iā€™ll update you when Iā€™m 100% done, as it should be in less than a week.

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Hey! Great module youā€™ve made, and Iā€™m in need of some help. Iā€™m not that good with Python, so how would I join a game using this? I read the documentation, but couldnā€™t understand. Thanks in advance!

What exactly is your use case? Why do you need to join a game using

Thatā€™s still pretty maliciousā€¦

Is it, though? All itā€™s supposed to do is join a game and sit there lol

Yes. Premium pay. Iā€™m sure thatā€™s against TOS

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But donā€™t premium payouts only work for premium users? The client/bot Iā€™m wanting to use doesnā€™t have Premium

Whatā€™s your use case? Why do you want to programmatically payout users?

Someoneā€™s commission, they want a bot that can payout via Discord.

There is a module called robloxpy, it is written in their description that there is a feature to pay out via Code. But the classes are not there in the package, when I print there directories.

Can you please tell that how can i accept / decline Invite Requests from a group with your library?

Are you gonna add a proxy feature too?, since roblox doesnā€™t like ipā€™s firing apiā€™s that much

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Weā€™re currently in the process of rewriting, but we do plan to make our ill-faded ā€œURL utilityā€ extend to the entire library, which will allow you to simply replace the URL with any proxy of your choice and even change the way the URL is laid out.

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Donā€™t quote me, but:
If I recall correctly, group.join_requests contains a Pages object which you can use an async for to iterate through. You can then look at each JoinRequest object and call .accept or .deny on that request.

Is there a way I can get the text from a userā€™s ā€œAboutā€ Section?

I just realized that the status isnā€™t the same as the about section, thatā€™s why :sweat_smile:

Just use user.description after grabbing the user with client.get_user.

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Thanks, now I can finally make my verification system.

@local_ip Is it possible to the publish API to be implemented into this?

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