I have this crane system that works with prismatic constraints set to a servo actuator mode to give it coordinates.I also use the rope constraint decoratively, representing a cable. The problem is that when the rope is too tight, it exerts force on the crane causing the crane to shake. I can’t increase the length of the rope because then it clips through the floor. So is there a way to use the rope decoratively only, so that it doesnt exert force on the crane?
try a beam instead so that it looks like rope but wont cause issues, might have to play around with the curve till you get the desired look but thats all I can think of
Given your situation and intents in using rope constraints, I personally think the best solution I can give other than playing around with the length size is to make use of the RopeMaster plugin by XAXA, the only downside is that it isn’t made of unions and parts instead of rope constraints. However, what I say about it is that it’s good for decoration use which I assume was your goal in using rope constraints. Other than that, it even has built-in rope presets such electric cables and whatsoever that may help your case. Here’s a topic in the dev forum that may help explain how to use it in case you’re unsure how: [Plugin] RopeMaster: Create Ropes Fast - Resources / Community Resources - Roblox Developer Forum
Another alternative plugin you can use is oozledraw toolbar by Oozlebachr and unfortunately I don’t think I can find a topic that explains how it works however I can surely leave the link to it here. It seems complicated at first but if you mess around, you’ll find out somehow. Hope this helps.