User Ads page - no "More Ads" button

On the User Ads page under Develop, the “More Ads” button (which appears if you have more ads than what can be initially loaded) is no longer there, thus preventing you from seeing the rest of your ads if you have too many.

I’m on Chrome and I encountered this with all extensions disabled. This bug doesn’t appear to happen with any of the other categories on the Develop page.


Bump. This bug needs to be fixed asap.

Still not fixed

The bug is that only your 50 most recent ads will show up. This needs to be fixed.

Bump, this is still an issue.

Haven’t been able to run any of my old ads which do so well and are no longer files on my computer, since I got a new one and didn’t transfer everything. This is really frustrating to not be able to have a see more button.

I have a “More Ads” button. How are you accessing this page?

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Develop → User Ads

Just tried it again on Chrome with all extensions disabled, I still don’t see it.

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Here’s what I see.

Is this gonna be fixed anytime this year?

Very annoyed that this hasn’t been addressed.

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Any word on this bug?

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Very weird. We’re doing bug triage today, so I’ll make sure to bring this up.


Thank you!!! This means tons of lost revenue to me! Thank you!

Any update on this?
Sorry if I’m seeming pushy - this bug has been around for quite some time and I wanna make sure it’s not forgotten about, since it can be a significant inconvenience like in Amazeman’s case and for anyone else with a large number of well-performing ads.

Are Amaze and I the only ones seeing this behavior with 50+ ads? (I ask because Rukiryo said he sees the button, and no other devs have commented on this issue)

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Well… this is interesting.

I just tested this on my alt by uploading 51 ads. My alt DOES see the button. But my main account does not.

On Cindering:

On my alt:

This leads me to believe that this could be some sort of beta list-related issue causing the button not to show up for us. (@TheAmazeman, are you on the beta list?)

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Maybe it just doesn’t work for ads created before a certain time. Try spamming your main with that many ads and see if you get the “More Ads” button.

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Surely Rukiryo would be on the beta list as well though

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Yes, I am on the beta list.

Does @Rukiryo have more or less than 50 ads?

Also I deleted a few of my ads and there are still only 50 that show up (they are just older)

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You’re right, it is a time-related issue.
Uploading at least 50 brand new ads will cause the button to appear again:

However, once I delete the spam ads and see this older one (which I uploaded before Christmas), the button disappears again:

And if I do click the button when it’s visible, it will load 50 more ads but then disappear immediately afterwards. (So I can’t use that method to access any older ads than what I see regularly)

Thanks for the updates. I will update our ticket tracking this.

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