User Bypassing the roblox filter, what to do?

recently ive seen some bypass stickers that when put a black wall behind it it turns into NSFW I do not know what to do but i want this stopped ASAP.

nsfw maker
This image is of a user having a bypassed NSFW T-Shirt and is showing it to everyone, inculding all the kids!

roblox please do something about this.

Edit: Ill post link of T-Shirt filter script here!


Report the user normally through the report section of the menu


funny, the report system doesnt work 80% of the time.


What hurts in trying? What if you get the 20%? Also, can you show me how you got that 80%?


Do you have moderators? Make it so that it needs manual approval maybe?


Report the user and the creator of the T-Shirt

Or like you have some UI that tells them to report any people that are doing smthn like that

edit: spray paint has a vote kick system mb

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Great idea! I’ll get working on it and post the script in Resources so everybody can use it! thanks again for the great idea!

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