We all know User Catalog is coming to ROBLOX soon.
Developers could have an option to give custom hats and outfits for free.
They would have to pay a big amount of ROBUX to give them any time they want.
It’s giving more variety to the free players.
It’s annoying to see baconhaired people everywhere.
They might want to change their look and play something.
We have two birds killed with one stone.
It could be a nice advertisement tool.
Imagine a free user wearing “Zombie CTF Braincap”.
Another user spots it and wants it, so he starts playing Zombie CTF.
He later becomes the hat owner and a proud part of the Zombie CTF community.
Making usermade events.
Imagine “Team Yolk” is making an Egg Hunt game.
They have a quite big income, so they are giving 20 eggs just for finding them.
Remember, hats are the king.
Developers need obvious restictions though. We can’t let developers make a lot of items free for a cheap price.
I really would like to see your opinions. It seems like a good idea, but it needs a nice execution and monitoring.
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I thought I’ve heard it the other way around as Roblox would set the prices on items and if roblox wanted to make one free they’d pay the dev quite a bit to make it free.
Edit: though it would be cool if we could submit hats to be cheaper or free or at least propose that they be.
I think this is a great idea, I thought about it before too! But I think there should be an ongoing system in which developers are charged a certain amount of robux per hat that is given away, and the amount per hat would be decided by Roblox at the time that it’s moderated depending on how cool/appealing it is and how it would integrate into Roblox compared with other normal catalog hats. For example something that players would normally pay ALOT for in the catalog like a Dominus, should have a much larger fee to give away per player, like 10k - 30k per hat given, where as an ugly simple hair style could be given away cheaper. And as for shirts/pants, I think it would be fine if developers simply had to pay the normal price floor per piece given. I think this would keep it all under control and only allow the most responsible use of giving these things out to players.