User friendly ad system

Hello there, today we worked on a system called UFA (User-Friendly-Ads)

The ads can be what you imagine (groups t-shirts profiles games etc) and the script is easily configurable to add more or remove ads

This ad price will be your opinion (free to give ad , robux to give ad , group to give ad etc)

And the user can configure the cooldown of ads (min 2 due to script bugs) or totally disable if the player gets distracted

Also you get in game currency as a reward automaticly. You can configure this to make less or higher
Also you can add bonus currency if in a group or following someone. This can be highly configurable

These ads appear in the bottom right

Panel of settings

This system is currently private and not open sourced
This system might get released public or be sold soon

made by kStudios for our projects


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This looks cool. Recommended making a client side settings so they can enable a light mode or dark mode for example. Also the UI is a bit small for a whole advertisement, would recommend you increase its size.

Thanks for your opinion. as kStudios we tried to keep in minimal and the small as possible for game experience

Were working on it and planning to add a BUNCH of configureables for our ad system (prob will be 150+ lines)

Seems cool, but I dont think the bottom rigjt is the best spot for people who play on mobile, it might mess up their jump (most people play on mobile). Otherwise, 9/10.

As roblox limitations we cannot place to another place it will effect chat, userlist, movement joystick and we cannot put to middle left or right because of game experience so we put there

Also the disable option is there

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You could always try putting like a semi-transparent banner along the top near the center so none of the functions would be in the way.