User has no friends on profile

My profile says I have no friends, plain and simple.

Friends were not lost

URL: Pyx - Roblox

Turn off all of your extensions and then take the screenshots for evidence; not everyone can tell what the intended behavior is because your extensions make the ‘Friends’ section appear in a different spot than usual.

Anyways, there’s a range of issues happening to profile pages right now. The ‘Creations’ tab does nothing when clicked on (the page doesn’t change), and additionally, the groups section on user profiles no longer appears.

The issue is on and off and there’s no abnormal errors popping up in the console when it does happen.

CC @Iron_Legion ?

This has been happening for me alot lately and the only extension I use is a Stylus theme (I’ve ensured it’s not causing the issue). It might be something to do with your cache as it can cause issues like this, try clearing it and see if anything changes.

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Thanks for the report! We’ll follow up when we have an update for you.

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