User ID from Username from a User who's not in the same server

How can I get the user ID from a username if the user is not in the life experience like the script?
BSP: A mod searches in this experience for a user who is not currently playing the experience or is not on the same server. The script then gets the user ID of the player the mod is looking for and outputs it, for example.

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Did you know about the Players:GetUserIdFromNameAsync("Misterx113") function


Yea, but

  1. Does that work for users who aren’t in the server?
  2. I have no player instance, only a string, is that ok?

It works for any user, Any, even those that aren’t in the same server

The argument only supports string, so that is ok

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Ok, last question:



Asked the roblox assistant since I’m in mobile

here’s what it said

though It does work in local scripts despite what the assistant said, so it works in local scripts, Nevemind the Assistant’s response


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