User interface elements move down when playing a game

Why is this textlabel moving down whenever I see the example in Studio vs play the game?

To test, I set the anchor point to {0.5, 0.5} and position to {0.5, 0},{0.5, 0}. That is supposed to be perfectly in the center for ALL devices. But it changes when I play the game. Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?


Playing the game:

Notice how it moved down slightly?


This is because in-game, the topbar loads in. There is a property of a ScreenGui called IgnoreTopbarInset, so set that to true. By default, it is false, which means that it won’t overlap the topbar and will be pushed down (thus, your positioning being a bit off).

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Thank you for the help. Will this cause any issues for certain users if I set that to true?

It should not cause any issues since it is far from the top bar.

Well… in my game it is directly at the top. I was only showing an example here.

But when I play the game on my phone I don’t have a top bar anyways.