Hi! I am trying to make an Application Center System. It is working very well except I am having a slight problem that I just can’t manage to get past! I keep on getting the following error; https://gyazo.com/5620360b598f8a177936eb90243714aa?token=8e67d3ea68e28e17b14f888c099a9dcb
Now you may be thinking, “Oh that’s simple. Just do this and that”, but it’s not here’s why.
The below is a LocalScript, it fires an event to a Server Script which is on the bottom of this help topic.
--Lines 30-34, LocalScript.
local Q1AnswerBox = script.Parent.Q1.q1a
local Q2AnswerBox = script.Parent.Q2.q1a
local Q3AnswerBox = script.Parent.Q3.q1a
local Q4AnswerBox = script.Parent.Q4.q1a
local discordbox = script.Parent.Parent.pinfo.emorph
Below is lines 101-102
local submitevent = game.ReplicatedStorage.level1submit
submitevent:FireServer(Q1AnswerBox.Text, Q2AnswerBox.Text, Q3AnswerBox.Text,
Q4AnswerBox.Text, discordbox.Text)
Below is a server script which receives the Event. lines 65-112
game.ReplicatedStorage.level1submit.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(Q1AnswerBox, Q2AnswerBox, Q3AnswerBox, Q4AnswerBox, discordbox)
local HttpService = game:GetService("HttpService")
local ui = game.StarterGui.AppCenter.mainBG
local id = math.random(11111,99999)
local webhook = "censored"
local data = {
["embeds"] = {{
["title"] = "A new form has been submitted.",
["description"] = "**Discord Name/Tag; ** " ..discordbox.."\n Application ID; "..id.."\n Type; Level 1",
["color"] = 184,
["fields"] = {
["name"] = "**Q1:** Why do you want to be L1?",
["value"] = ""..Q1AnswerBox
["name"] = "**Q2:** How can you benefit the Foundation?",
["value"] = ""..Q2AnswerBox
["name"] = "**Q3:** Which departments would you like to join if you pass this application?",
["value"] = ""..Q3AnswerBox
["name"] = "**Q4:** What makes an SCP obtain the classification of Euclid?",
["value"] = ""..Q4AnswerBox
print("sent to discord")
HttpService:PostAsync(webhook, HttpService:JSONEncode(data))
So, I guess my question is, how is it saying it’s the Q1AnswerBox is userdata?