UserData variable problems

Hi! I am trying to make an Application Center System. It is working very well except I am having a slight problem that I just can’t manage to get past! I keep on getting the following error;

Now you may be thinking, “Oh that’s simple. Just do this and that”, but it’s not here’s why.

The below is a LocalScript, it fires an event to a Server Script which is on the bottom of this help topic.

--Lines 30-34, LocalScript.
local Q1AnswerBox = script.Parent.Q1.q1a
local Q2AnswerBox = script.Parent.Q2.q1a
local Q3AnswerBox = script.Parent.Q3.q1a
local Q4AnswerBox = script.Parent.Q4.q1a
local discordbox = script.Parent.Parent.pinfo.emorph

Below is lines 101-102

local submitevent = game.ReplicatedStorage.level1submit
submitevent:FireServer(Q1AnswerBox.Text, Q2AnswerBox.Text, Q3AnswerBox.Text,  
Q4AnswerBox.Text, discordbox.Text)

Below is a server script which receives the Event. lines 65-112

game.ReplicatedStorage.level1submit.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(Q1AnswerBox, Q2AnswerBox, Q3AnswerBox, Q4AnswerBox, discordbox)


local HttpService = game:GetService("HttpService")

local ui = game.StarterGui.AppCenter.mainBG

local id = math.random(11111,99999)

local webhook = "censored"
	local data = {
		["embeds"] = {{
    		["title"] = "A new form has been submitted.",
			["description"] = "**Discord Name/Tag; ** " ..discordbox.."\n Application ID; ""\n Type; Level 1",
			["color"] = 184,
			["fields"] = {
					["name"] = "**Q1:** Why do you want to be L1?",
						["value"] = ""..Q1AnswerBox
						["name"] = "**Q2:** How can you benefit the Foundation?",
						["value"] = ""..Q2AnswerBox
						["name"] = "**Q3:** Which departments would you like to join if you pass this application?",
						["value"] = ""..Q3AnswerBox
						["name"] = "**Q4:** What makes an SCP obtain the classification of Euclid?",
						["value"] = ""..Q4AnswerBox
	print("sent to discord")
	HttpService:PostAsync(webhook, HttpService:JSONEncode(data))

So, I guess my question is, how is it saying it’s the Q1AnswerBox is userdata?

You’re referencing an object, not the object’s text property.

EDIT: I recommend referencing the text before you fire the server.

When I fire the event, I fire Q1AnswerBox.Text

When your receiving values fired to the server, you should list the player first, since the first variable is the player that fired to the server.


That makes sense, let me try that!

it worked! Thank you for your response. :slight_smile: