UserInputService.InputBegan KeypadEnter doesn't bind live

The bug I am reporting is in regards of the UserInputService.InputBegan event. The KeypadEnter keyCode only works in studio. I don’t know if this would fall under Client bugs or Studio but I would assume it’s Client. It would appear that checking the condition of:

if input.KeyCode.KeypadEnter then

only works in studio, even works while doing a local test. However, when I test this in a live server it will not register at all as if I never pressed it. I found a work around by just using:

if input.KeyCode.Return then

Once I do this, it will begin registering. Meaning that both are the Return key, rendering KeypadEnter useless.

I’ve printed the input.KeyCode in the console and confirmed that they both just revoke the same result. :worried:

Forgive me if I am too vague, I would be more than willing to further elaborate.

Binding to the keypad return is poor form unless you’re developing for a specific, known set of users. Even in 2017, there are keyboards without numpads.

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It’s not bad practice for all target audiences. Most desktop PC users have keyboards with keypads (and the few that don’t are not the target audience), just like desktop users have a mouse while laptop users don’t. Games are not required to support all platforms. For a game like Brick Bronze, NumpadEnter would not be a good pick, but NumEnter is more than appropriate in an RTS-style game where 1-9 are used to select unit cards, Num1-9 are used to select groups, Enter is used to select each unit, and NumEnter is used to select all groups.

Regardless of target audience though, a game may have user keybinds and a user may want to bind to NumpadEnter. There’s no excuse for KeypadEnter to be intentionally left broken.

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I totally forgot about laptop users, thank you!~