UserInputService.KeyboardEnabled is always true

Hello everybody. I noticed today that the KeyboardEnabled property of the UserInputService is always true even if I disabled the keyboard. I need my script to know when to show the numbers on each gear button in my backpack GUI, and of course players who don’t have their keyboard activated shouldn’t see them because the numbers will just take up space on their screen.


After some testing, I’ve concluded that the property is mainly for checking if the user is on a desktop/computer or a mobile device (true, false, respectively)

I think it should not work like this. Instead, it should tell you if keyboard is enabled or not. Also why its always true?

You could submit a bug report in #bug-reports or make a feature request in #feature-requests

Is there are other ways to check if player have their keyboard enabled?

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As far as I know, not really. What’s your use case for this though?

I need this for my backpack UI. I want to make it so that when the player has the keyboard disabled, the numbers on each gear button will not be displayed. It is not very important, but on mobile devices it makes the GUI much better.

Oh sorry, I forgot that you mentioned this above. I think you could just use the KeyboardEnabled property, and I think neither of us knows anyone who uses a computer without their keyboard :wink:

But what if player on mobile attaches his keyboard?

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Honestly, you could try to make this work for the very small chance that someone with a mobile keyboard plays your game, but that’s up to you really