Reproduction Steps
Flood Escape 2 has made use of UserInputService’s JumpRequest feature since the game has launched in 2017 to allow players to perform walljump actions within the games levels. Unfortunately the behaviour of this feature has changed without notice and doesn’t trigger when the player isn’t on the ground and rendered my game completely unplayable.
Expected Behavior
The feature that this update has broken in Flood Escape 2 is walljumping. Expected behaviour is to be able to jump onto a walljumping part (marked with upwards arrows) and jump again to leap from the wall. There is a short delay before the player unlatches from the wall if they decide not to jump.
The quickest access to a walljump in flood escape to is in the lobby after clicking play.
Actual Behavior
You jump onto the wall that supports walljumping, attempt to jump and the game will not recognize the jump request thus leaving the character not being able to jump off walls. This absolutely breaks the gameplay of FE2 and means that players cannot complete levels anymore.
I didn’t expect there to be a work around as the feature did as described since I started using it in 2017.
A jump request shouldn’t stop being requested when the player isn’t on the ground; it’s requested when the player wants to press the button that is supposed to let them jump. It should be up to us what we do with this request.
Issue Area: Engine Issue Type: Other Impact: High Frequency: Constantly Date First Experienced: 2021-08-03 15:08:00 (+01:00) Date Last Experienced: 2021-08-03 23:08:00 (+01:00)
Yep, this happened to my game today too. I have deployable gliders in my game and they suddenly stopped working sometime today.
I did some troubleshooting and discovered the problem. The UserInputService.JumpRequest is no longer firing after the character is already in the air.
I can corroborate your experience. This is code in my game that hasn’t changed for months and was working until sometime today when it suddenly broke. There is another related thread where someone was trying to implement “double jump” and is experiencing the same issue.
Experiencing this issue as well, this has completely busted a lot of functionality in Super Bomb Survival. A rollback on any flags that might have tripped this problem would be nice.
By the way: this change took effect automatically for the running game servers. However, in Roblox Studio it didn’t. After I closed and reopened studio it was working fine.
Just a FYI for the other devs: you should restart studio.
If the change returns, we didn’t suffer this issue as we just use BindAction with Enum.PlayerActions.CharacterJump probably slightly hackier than relying on the service but updates to roblox wont break things as much, so if need be rely on that.