Username change glitches

I don’t really know if this is bug or on purpose, but when you change your username, previous mentions with your old username in them become unable to view the person in mention.

I have no idea if a similar topic has been posted before so I’m just asking!


I believe the only way to fix this, really, is for roblox either to edit their distribution of Discourse to have username change detections in posts, or have Roblox contact Discourse and have them update their system.

I guess that this is a feature that should exist-

Why would you want the username to update? There’s no harm in keeping the old mentions.

Invalid point-

It’s like automatic game titles. Without naming your place, it will be called [Insert User] 's Place: Number X. Changing the game title automatically for old places would be weird.

If you’d really want to change your old mentions you should request the user who typed the post to edit the mention.

I think the username should be kept, otherwise it would be really awkward. If someone had said your name before in the post, but the mention had been changed, then it would be hard to see how had been mentioned.

Can be implemented-

No other feature actively edits your post.

If I were to quote you, but you changed what you’d said, the quote would stay. Sort of a way to make sure they can’t delete what they’ve said.

Has been disproven-

And dead links aren’t automatically updated with the updated links, because that’s weird.

I also believe that this has been done on purpose.

So ya. ( ꧆▽꧆ )

To be honest I also agree with @Macawmangrovve12

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I don’t think that’s a valid analogy, these are different situations. Mentions are meant to be referencing a single specific user, and as such it follows that they should always reflect that regardless of name changes. Place names on the other hand simply add the username for effect, and have purposes other than referencing a specific user. They’ve got their own unrelated reasons as to why they don’t update usernames.

This can be implemented without editing your post. The best solution uses a UserId or some other unchanging method of identifying a user (although that would require significant modification of Discourse on Roblox’s part), and then when the page is loaded by a client it substitutes in the current username of the user given by the ID. Discord does this too, as everything within it has a unique ID.

No, not because it’s weird. It’s because links become dead for a reason; website structures can change drastically in a way that would require a ton of work to automate the re-linking of.

Regardless, while I would like this as a feature, and as I hinted at earlier, Discourse isn’t built for this and a better system would probably require a lot of work to implement, so we’re likely stuck with this system for now.