Username Change registered user as taken without changing

  • Describe the bug. Describe what is happening when the bug occurs. Describe what you would normally expect to occur.

I decided to change my username. I changed my username to Bl_cksmith, entered my password, and changed it. Immediately after I did, I got a better suggestion, DevBuckette. I decided to do the same process over; Enter DevBuckette, enter password, and purchase username change.

It showed my username as changed. I decided to click Home to screenshot my avatar with the new name for my Discord server, but it showed up as “Hello, Bl_cksmith.” I figured it was a cache bug, so I cleared it. It fixed it and changed to “Hello, DevBuckette”.


I then went to my own group, and see this:

I thought it would just take some time.

I take my phone, and because I had changed my username, I had to log in again. I couldn’t, not using Bl_cksmith, nor DevBuckette.

I figured something went wrong because I had changed my name twice in a row without leaving the page. I changed my name back to thelolguy301, and could successfully log in on my phone.

Then I tried to change my name to DevBuckette again, and I see this:

I really want to change my username to this as I feel my current one has lost its charm.
When DevBuckette is searched as a user, it shows it does not exist.

Additionally I have the emails of both username changes being confirmed. (Blanked my email address out)

Email I received when I changed back to thelolguy301 to fix the login issue:

I was charged for each name change regardless.



I just emailed, as suggested by a friend of mine who had a similar experience. Crossing fingers that this can be resolved.

It has been resolved :raised_hands: