Usernames in experience are filtered

Reproduction Steps

  1. Join any experience where there are multiple players, either with real players or multiple accounts, where there is a chat you can see.
  2. Say any username of people inside that experience
  3. See the chat

Expected Behavior
I expect that the username isn’t filtered.

Actual Behavior
It is filtered. All 3 of these users are in this experience

You can misspell their username but that’s the wrong end result.

Issue Area: Engine
Issue Type: Other
Impact: High
Frequency: Constantly
Date First Experienced: 2022-04-15 21:04:00 (+01:00)


I was a bit confused why things were being filtered like the word Klee or number 10. I was trying to help people out with their code ingame, but now I know why things are the way it is. I figured it was filtered cuz it was bad but now if you think about it I think it needs improvement.


I can reproduce this. Annoyingly, Pixlz is blocked. DarkPixlz isn’t blocked. I dont always want to type my full name…


The wider problem of the filter is not the focus on this bug report. We’re purely focused on the current latest changes that aren’t minor problems, those can be reported in this thread.

Thanks for the report! We’re aware of the issue and the team is actively investigating this issue. I’ll follow up once this has been resolved.


This has been occuring earlier today, I was having trouble teleporting my game developers to me in-game due to the username filtering issue … hopefully this will get fixed soon!

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The wider issue has been resolved. Any specific usernames should be resolved with Roblox via alternative channels where possible.