Users camera gets set inside terrain, and doesn't load?

I think also in the live game, but the odd thing is I didn’t publish… or I don’t think so?

I’ll show that to my scripter, thank you :pray:
(We’re testing around with it)

Another note, it has been this way for at least half an hour now, probably will be an issue for longer.

Okay, information:
.I saved a copy of the game, same issues.
.I deleted all scripts in the copy, it got fixed.
.We forked the camera module to prevent looking up/down too far, and I heard if Roblox updates the module it can break your forked version… that may be it…

I deleted the forked script and success! Now I need to find a way to smoothly make the camera unable to look too far up/down…

Sorry didn’t see your edits on a while. Good luck!

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