Users can admit to exploiting with no repercussions

Users can currently admit to exploiting and even lowkey encourage it without any repercussions at all at the moment.

This issue commonly comes up on threads about anti-exploits. Legitimate developers will have a discussion on anti-exploits, but then some exploiter will offer advice based on their “experience”. This takes other forms, such as this in an original post:

This user admitted to exploiting in another user’s game. On the same thread, a different user shows a screenshot of them using dex in the same game. This should not go unpunished.

I think this is a real issue to me because as a developer, and I’m sure many others will agree with me, exploiters are one of the main threats to us. Our games can be overrun with exploiters and sometimes, in extreme cases, they can kill off our games. Exploiting is a serious offense on the Roblox site (typically causing at least a 3-day ban or more up to a permanent ban), so why does this site not have any sort of rule against announcing that one has exploits and/or encouraging others to use exploits? Personally, I would suggest two strikes for admitting to exploiting. Exploiters have no business being on a forum for developers to help other developers when exploiters just tear us down.


Bad idea, there’s no proof for them actually exploiting except for their word. If the police arrested everybody that said they were a serial killer, we would have a lot more innocent people in prison. Unless they provide actual video proof of them exploiting, its more likely to cause more harm than good.


They provided pictures in the thread

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Of them exploiting? Then that changes things, as long as a username is provided in the screenshot then that’s a decent reason to ban.


@HugeCoolboy2007 the thread doesn’t include any pictures sent by the OP.
Thread link: What anti-exploit is using this game? (prevents: dex, invisibility, etc...)

Maybe 2 strikes is a little harsh without proof, but the posts should at least cause a warning or one strike if they admit they’re exploiting.

In the case I’ve provided (@TomskiKiller provided the link), but also in others, it’s very obvious the user is actually exploiting. Somebody that says “I’m exploiting :troll:” shouldn’t be banned or given a strike (except for being off-topic) but if you talk about your experience of the weakness of the anti-cheat in Pet Simulator X with great detail, and then another user shows a screenshot of themselves exploiting and agreeing with you, that’s proof enough imo.

Yes, but I wasn’t necessarily only referring to the OP

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I am extremely sorry to have caused so much concern. I hate to admit, yet again, that I did use exploits to check a persons work without their permission.
I’m unable to show proof of not using them in a malicious way. I’m also not going to ask for any forgiveness on this matter.

I will refrain myself from using any software create for exploiting. And gladly accept any warn/strike as punishment. My opinions were wrong and immature.

My sincerest apologies.

PD: the post is now gone

One last thing, please do not lose hope this community. While there might be some people around, I will say in their defence that most developers are young and don’t know what they are doing.
→ I don’t think of this as an excuse of my actions though.

Simple question whoever exploits shouldn’t be on this forum.


I mostly agree with this. People should only be banned if there is solid evidence against them exploiting (for example one person on a forum post literally showed a video of them popping up an executor on what seems to be their main account and executing a script). Of course, if a developer says “im exploiting” for whatever reason (commonly found on developer discussion posts about anti exploits or exploits altogether), they should definitely be banned. There are some who test anti exploits though, but nobody really knows if they had studio access or if they exploited (its almost always exploiting), so it would be pretty hard to see if they were actually exploiting.

But yeah exploiting does not belong on this forum and never should.

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