We Need an Underage (13) User Detection Bot

Maybe that’s what they were told to do? Not here to speculate though, this isn’t even related to the OP. If you have questions the dev engagement team will be able to answer them, so just ask them.

You’ll never catch me COPA! Hahaha!!!

Jk, I’m older than 13. What do you mean by web and www?

Yes, the DevForum should be restricted to 13+ only since there could sometimes be links outside of Roblox that can be unsafe for users aged under 13.

i think devforum is already restricted to them, because usually when an underage user goes into devforum, it’ll give them a message like “you can’t be on devforum” for example

It actually isnt for their safety, rather, the text of rule is in place to prevent >13 from their data being collected. Companies cannot use (deceptive) practices in order to get this information from them.

The differences between COPA and COPPA is that COPA has an injunction since '09 - can’t be enforced.

(I’m not a lawyer, though, basic reading gets the general consensus.)

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This might be a good idea, but I have some objections. (idk what that means but it sounds cool)

I am 13+, so don’t call me out or something random by the way:

Users who want to create things go on the forum to ask for help, so lets say, I was 10 years old who just found out about the forum. I want to fix this problem I can’t figure out, so I try to log on, but I am under 13. Limiting me from doing so, and its a specific problem so I can’t find anything else on it.

Even if its a rule, in conclusion I think everyone should be allowed on the forums, as long as they don’t cause trouble.

It doesn’t really matter what we, or anyone working at Roblox, thinks about this. None of these people have any influence on the matter.

The restriction is enforced legally by COPPA: Children's Online Privacy Protection Act - Wikipedia

Allowing 13- on a free-form text forum with users of all other ages is a difficult problem from a legal pov. It’s why so many platforms have a 13+ threshold.


Ah that makes more sense. Didn’t think of it that way

No no no no no! I dont think you’ve seen this but there’s a thing called COPPA which everyone has to agree with

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Wait wait wait, people are seriously reporting underage users on the DevForum? Even if they are just trying to get help or report a bug? Am I the only one thinking this is a little too far?

I understand the whole COPPA thing, but it’s like if you were learning to drive and ran a stop sign and your dad called the police to press charges against you. Except this time you’ve done nothing illegal.

This is a forum, not some free-form social media platform. People come here to learn and get help on development, not send text-to-text messages and send photos around.

Imagine I told you I was under 13, what next? To the witch stakes? C’mon people, we’re better than this.

Yes, by the forum’s rules, they’re not supposed to be here.

If you said you were <13, the forum moderators would investigate before taking action:

Honestly I’m glad this thread is back up. Throughout the lifetime of this thread a lot of people seem to now understand the concept is use a detection system for web.Roblox instead of www.roblox. It still would put the user under manual review and possibly under a temporarily paused account. This is no different than what is done already by DevRel except they manually have to find these users.

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I agree with you, this is becoming a problem.

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If you understood COPPA, you would know that under 13 users are indeed breaking the law, or maybe their parents are, either way it’s illegal.

No, it’s closer to if you were learning to drive, ran a stop sign, and a police officer pulled you over. Which is justified. Not that you would get a ticket unless they were having a really bad day, but it is still illegal. We aren’t family.

Really? A Community Editor literally just called it a “free-form text forum” on Apr 20, just above you. Either way, there’s really no difference, people still can post “unmoderated” (as in, there is moderation, but there is no filter.)

Myself and quite a few people use the “messages” feature to do this (don’t cancel me)



I now understand why there’s a limit, but this is straight up false

COPPA prevents websites from collecting information on children younger than 13 without parental permission, not criminalize children for using said sites


However, websites do usually have in their TOS an age restriction which technically can be enforced by law, but that’s not COPPA


Do you realize that’s not a thing in a big part of the world? USA is not the only country, sir.

Also this.

I understand that very much however most countries have a similar law in place. Also the understanding that the Internet is a vast space that can pretty much do anything could possibly be a damaging thing for younger kids to see. This might sound a bit vain coming from a now adult. However, I believe that if I were to have kids the restraint for using social media would be a bit higher because of the things I have seen even at such a young age. You also have to remember this is a form it is not regulated to the same extent as Roblox with tag systems, auto moderation, etc. Therefore anything can be said or posted until a real person a.k.a. moderation steps in to remove the contents. (I’m using the voice phone thing to write this so somethings might be miss spelt.)


This is not always the case. My account is 13+ (age verified) and still will export a web.roblox.com link if exported on mobile. Although it seems it depends on what I’m exporting. For games it’s ro.blox.com and for groups it’s web.roblox.com

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Theoretically, they wouldn’t be breaking the law and it would be the platforms fault. Just as an example of a social media platform that allows (well did since it got discontinued) under 13 users to use it was Nintendo’s Miiverse platform.

A bit off topic, but quite a lot of us send messages between each other.

In quite a lot of countries it is a thing. I’m not entirely sure, but GDPR might be able to prevent under 13s from giving consent.

This is an article from the Independent Commissioners Office (UK), that states that children in the UK (and many other countries probably, including US) can only give consent when they are aged 13 or over. If they are under the age of 13, permission needs to be granted by a parent or guardian.

It doesn’t prevent underage people from having an account, it prevents them from making an account by themselves. Children are allowed to have accounts as long as their parents give consent

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