Users in the community being argumentative

I’m not going to say who, but a few users in the forums have been trying to start arguments most chances they get lately and it’s very obvious. I don’t even post here much anymore because I’m afraid of getting dragged into an argument that was instigated by the other party, or getting dragged into a flame war after making a simple request.

I know not many people here see eye to eye but i feel like most of us can gather the common decency to be quiet and let the moderators handle situations via the report button if they have a problem. Let’s save arguments for personal messages and not put them where everyone can see, that’s just unprofessional and makes us as a forum look bad if anyone else were to see.

Welcome to RBXDev.

He was already temporarily banned for bait-posting here before. I wonder what’s going to happen, probably just a reminder

Osyris please don’t say stuff like that, it’s just lame and doesn’t represent this forum

[quote] He was already temporarily banned for bait-posting here before. I wonder what’s going to happen, probably just a reminder

Osyris please don’t say stuff like that, it’s just lame and doesn’t represent this forum [/quote]

Is he even bait posting? It seems like he is but at the same time he’s serious about what he’s saying.

[quote] He was already temporarily banned for bait-posting here before. I wonder what’s going to happen, probably just a reminder

Osyris please don’t say stuff like that, it’s just lame and doesn’t represent this forum [/quote]

Is he even bait posting? It seems like he is but at the same time he’s serious about what he’s saying.[/quote]

I’m very sure he’s serious about what he’s posting, and from what I have seen he thinks he’s doing nothing wrong.

I look at these posts, and my gut reaction is: Thankyou factory, but then, I realize the only reason I think that is because I’m jealous that I can’t do the same, although srsly, forums are places you argue, it just comes with all of it, arguing doesn’t matter, it’s whether or not that arguing produces any useful conclusions; if you never argue, you never learn.

That’s the thing though, said users are arguing just to argue, they’re not attempting to reach conclusions of any kind; except to make people upset.

I had an enlightening conversation over skype with someone who I believe to be doing this. He told me that the reason he does it is to get the other person to lash out at him and then they look like the bad guy. It does happen and it’s messed up.

I remember the same arguments happening about half a year ago. It ended with a bunch of people getting banned, some of them temporarily. I’m not very happy with the whole “does this belong here” discussion, and I maintain my old position on this topic:

If you don’t like a thread, don’t respond to it.

If you have a valid argument to put up against a suggestion, post that instead of “this thread doesn’t belong here”. If you don’t have a valid argument then you have absolutely nothing to contribute and shouldn’t be posting.
If anything, posting “this thread shouldn’t be here, even if it’s the lounge” bumps the thread back to the top and lets it get more attention. If your opinion is that the thread shouldn’t exist, pretend it doesn’t and hope for it to die.

We must ensure that this forum does not become IronNoob.

You don’t have to argue back.
If you answer a foolish argument, you become no better than the person who posted it. Just skip it and move on.

I agree about the bait posting bit - that’s not the type of behavior that should be condoned here. We’re supposed to be a community of mature developers, not a gaggle of edgy, hormonal kids full of angst.

I myself am fairly new here, and coming from a background of foruming, can say that arguments are inevitable. The best thing you can do to lower the amount of craze would be to simply think about what you post, and not to post offensively, but neutrally. Anyone has their right to state their opinion, and there will always be people who have different opinions on the matter. I definitely think it should stop - but for that to happen, again, we’d all have to be a hive mind, having the same opinions on every little thing, which doesn’t work for a developer forum (considering we look creativity and new criticisms, and ideas from other devs here!)

Forgiving and forgetting might be out of our budget, but it’s worth a shot

EDIT: this doesn’t apply to bait posting

Hey guys. Argumentation takes two people. Just saying.
Just Saying Part 2:
You said you wouldn’t name people, but you posted links directly to the arguments. That’s pretty obviously dishonest.

Since this was bumped up to the top… Bulk response.

No. I continually posted on your “make this hat back on sale” thread because I didn’t want any threads like that posted in the future. I have seen thread on top of thread of LMaDing requests on the dev forums, and I figured that if I pointed out “hey, btw, this isn’t RBXLMaD and this kind of post is irrelevant to most of the people here.”, past, present, and potential posters of that type of thread would re-think, realize where they were, and refrain from posting the thread. It was no different from those who wanted the lounge to be removed from RBXDev. Sure, I can just not read the thread, but it gets annoying when I see “HEY ROBLOX PUT THIS ON SALE SO I CAN BUY IT PLEASE” threads all the time when my brain was expecting to see development-related threads. And with my final post on that thread, you left me with no choice. If you call me childish, how should I respond? Call you childish back? State that I’m 18 and in college and am not a child? Tell you that calling someone a child is a childish remark? That’s not a logical post that I can contemplate the points and decide what to do – it’s an emotional attack that is completely unrelated to the discussion. My final post was my best attempt to prevent the thread from turning into a “you’re stupid” “no you’re stupid” “well you’re stupider” “well your mom’s stupid” thread.

And should you state that “you have no right to judge what is posted on RBXDev – deal with it.”, I’d like to remind you that your own thread, this thread, is attempting to change what is posted on RBXDev. And what Janthran said is true. If you’re not going to name people, then don’t link directly to them. It not good for business to talk about how bad people are and then make yourself look bad like that.

This is rather true, I am a rare to post person these days after being demoralized to post because a few of my threads being shot down by some people for doing basic things like asking questions. I understand its the internet, and we all have opinions, but everyone is so militant about their opinions on the internet, and I usually get my opinions disregarded and some other opinion shoved down my throat. This is a private forum. We should not be causing drama and fights for no reason.

[quote] on the dev forums[/i], and I figured that if I pointed out “hey, btw, this isn’t RBXLMaD and this kind of post is irrelevant to most of the people here.”, past, present, and potential posters of that type of thread would re-think, realize where they were, and refrain from posting the thread. It was no different from those who wanted the lounge to be removed from RBXDev. Sure, I can just not read the thread, but it gets annoying when I see “HEY ROBLOX PUT THIS ON SALE SO I CAN BUY IT PLEASE” threads all the time when my brain was expecting to see development-related threads. And with my final post on that thread, you left me with no choice. If you call me childish, how should I respond? Call you childish back? State that I’m 18 and in college and am not a child? Tell you that calling someone a child is a childish remark? That’s not a logical post that I can contemplate the points and decide what to do – it’s an emotional attack that is completely unrelated to the discussion. My final post was my best attempt to prevent the thread from turning into a “you’re stupid” “no you’re stupid” “well you’re stupider” “well your mom’s stupid” thread.

And should you state that “you have no right to judge what is posted on RBXDev – deal with it.”, I’d like to remind you that your own thread, this thread, is attempting to change what is posted on RBXDev. And what Janthran said is true. If you’re not going to name people, then don’t link directly to them. It not good for business to talk about how bad people are and then make yourself look bad like that. [/quote]

I guess you posting here was inevitable.Yeah I agree linking directly to the thread gave it away and wasn’t very mature, but let’s be honest; everyone knows this thread is about you.

For the past few weeks all I’ve ever seen you do is get pissed off VERY easily then blow up in a shitstorm about how you strongly disagree with something and why your opinion matters or something ridiculous like that. And I posted that in the Off-Topic Lounge, which is meant for users to hang out. Some of us get sick of talking about developing 24/7; if you don’t then that’s a personal issue that you shouldn’t reflect rudely on everyone else. And yes, for the past few weeks you have been acting childish, one of the most childish “18 year old and in college” users I’ve seen. You always seem to have an excuse to why you’ve done nothing wrong, even though you clearly post bait in an attempt to make the person who upset you (who in most cases did nothing wrong) look like the bad guy in the situation. Until you decide to be nicer and a little more lenient, people will keep calling you out whenever you try to act like an asshole and get away with it.

I don’t want to argue on here because that’s what I’m trying to say we shouldn’t do. If you have anything to say to me, you can personal message it or contact me over skype.

Oh are we deleting our own posts now

You guys should know by now I’m a big hypocrite.

Paul Graham’s How to Disagree:

[quote]The web is turning writing into a conversation. Twenty years ago, writers wrote and readers read. The web lets readers respond, and increasingly they do—in comment threads, on forums, and in their own blog posts.

Many who respond to something disagree with it. That’s to be expected. Agreeing tends to motivate people less than disagreeing. And when you agree there’s less to say. You could expand on something the author said, but he has probably already explored the most interesting implications. When you disagree you’re entering territory he may not have explored.

The result is there’s a lot more disagreeing going on, especially measured by the word. That doesn’t mean people are getting angrier. The structural change in the way we communicate is enough to account for it.[/quote]

There is no more problem with “arguing for arguing” than there is with “disagreeing for disagreeing”, and making private debates that could benefit people if they were made public is a very stupid idea.