Users (including non-members) can spam click 'like' to spam my feed

I only made one post on the thread - the user liked, unliked, liked, unliked, and then liked it again. I presume to annoy me (??)

If people outside figure this out it will be super annoying.

Wanted to test it (you were the guinea pig) and it looks like it isn’t really an issue.

1 Like

:blush: oh thank you

Let me try on you.

1 Like

If people outside figure this out it will be super annoying.

Ever heard of the Streisand effect?

This is a Discourse issue – not a devforum one – so post to and make a feature request so you’re only notified once for likes, or that it’s only one notification per edit (similarly to how you can only withdraw your like after a certain period of time unless the post is edited.) Also, you can mute a thread to suppress all notifications (including likes).