Users page always has no results

Reproduction Steps:

  • Click here
  • Click any sort
    You should get this page:

Expected behavior: I get a list of users
Actual behavior: It says “No users found”

This is intended behavior:

perhaps the string can be updated to better reflect this rather than a generic “No results were found.”


I feel like then it should say “Page not found” or something, or make it functional because it’s just an error in the console

They also just deleted the cakeday page outright, it used to work.

EDIT: I made it a feature request on Discourse’s side
Display a warning when the Users page is disabled instead of a blank page - ux - Discourse Meta

Edit 2: looks like it was acknowledged by Discourse

This is intended as stated above. Feel free to report to Discourse if you feel the page should 404 when the respective setting is disabled. We can’t prioritize putting effort into changes like this unfortunately.


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