Users profile picture sets to yours instead of theirs

A few seconds ago I was looking on one of my friends profile pictures and I realized it took a few seconds for their profile picture to actually load in, but instead of theirs loading in it loaded mine. I also tested this on mobile too and I can confirm this bug is happening there as well.


I also experienced this yesterday and was going to post this bug, but I didn’t feel like creating it.

It went away after an hour yesterday, then it came back earlier today when I was going to talk to some friends or join them in a game. :eyes:

Below me are examples of the same bug:

Annotation 2020-06-18 163036

I just saw this happen to me and I was gonna make a post about it.

Can confirm.

While waiting for the image to load, the picture changes a lot, from a blank white image, different shades of grey, a ripped page icon, and finally to your profile picture.

This started happening to me a few minutes ago.

EDIT: Seems to be working now.


I tested this on both Chrome as well as Firefox. The bug persists on both browsers. Seems to be 100% reproducible.

  1. Log in.
  2. View another account’s profile page.

I can say that this is an issue. also


The issue has already been confirmed.
There is no need to comment “I confirm”, “It is happening to me”

Unless you have new information, please refrain from commenting.


I do have the issue too. Worth nothing - if you’re not logged in Roblox webpage seems to return 502 error.

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Seems like it just got patched. Welp

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It’s patched for me too, just looked on 2 profiles, everything is normal again now.


I just had this but today at some point. Not sure what it is.:man_shrugging:

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