UserUpdateTouchJump FFlag being set to true completely breaks jump button on mobile

Today my game OneSkyVed's Trolleybuses Place (indev) - Roblox got UserUpdateTouchJump FFlag set to true, which resulted in mobile jump button not working. This makes it impossible to exit any seat in my game that doesn’t have a custom ui for it on mobile

I figured out that it is this particular FFlag because in PlayerModule.ControlModule.TouchJump there is this line:

local FFlagUserUpdateTouchJump = FlagUtil.getUserFlag("UserUpdateTouchJump")

When I check the value of it via console, it is set to true. If I fork the script and manually set the variable to false, the issue goes away

I started getting reports about this issue only today, and it seems to be caused by the mentioned FFlag being set to true for my game in particular

This issue makes the game much more frustrating to play from all touchscreen devices, as its impossible to exit from seats properly

Expected behavior

As the first measure I expect UserUpdateTouchJump FFlag to be set to false for my game as a quick fix

As a second measure I expect PlayerModule.ControlModule.TouchJump script to correctly work when said FFlag being set to true, so that it will not cause further issues for any game where this FFlag gets set to true

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Here is a video of this issue that was sent to me, recorded in my game

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To clarify, are you seeing UserUpdateTouchJump or UserUpdateTouchJump3? UserUpdateTouchJump had this issue before it was updated to v3, and I’ve double checked that it is not enabled anywhere. This may be another issue with the jump interacting with Humanoid:SetStateEnabled. Can you check if you’re using that API anywhere or provide a repro file?

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Hi there! I’ve disabled the FlagUserUpdateTouchJump3 for your place. I’ve taken a look, and I suspect that you’re calling SetStateEnabled for Jumping to false right after the humanoid jumps. Previously, this wouldn’t disable the jump immediately which was a bug. If you could take a look at your place and verify this is the case, I can leave the flag off for your place for a bit longer, but will eventually need to flip it back on before removal. If you’re not able to adjust the SetStateEnabled code, you can fork the PlayerScripts as you’ve done and manually set the flag to false as you’ve done, but you won’t receive any more updates.

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Hi, I just checked the code that I used to check if the flag is enabled (when I was making the bug report), and you are correct, I completely missed that there is number 3 at the end. Here is the script that I used (I run it from the client after player character has spawned in)


The reason why in the bug report the code snippet shows the name without number 3, is because it’s the code snippet that other developers sent to me when I asked about this issue. The code I used to debug the issue however was done by me copying function call out of the roblox provided (not forked) PlayerModule, which is why it has the correct name with number 3 at the end

Interestingly enough, now it does return false instead of true (I run it under fully same conditions as I did originally) EDIT: I just saw your reply about disabling the flag, and yes it did fix the issue

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Hi, the game does disable jumping right on jump, but it does it by setting JumpPower to 0. Keep in mind that under normal conditions, jump button disappears completely when this is done, while on the video that was sent to me, you can see that jump button simply does not react, meaning its the button likely not reacting to input at all (there is no button press animation)

About setting the state, just in case I did a search via Ctrl+F for SetStateEnabled, and as I see its not used anywhere in the game. Closest to it is ChangeState

Do you set the JumpPower back right after or after a delay? Would you be able to share the jump disabling code in a dm?

Yes, it sets it back after a delay. I’ve sent you a dm with all of the details

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The issue got solved, as stated in recent release notes

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