Using a bindable event to add accessories, but accessories are added with no children or handle

Hey, so I have a script for the server to apply accessories to players whenever they reset, and it’s all held in a table, and usually this is done with a remote event going from local script to server script, but I’m trying to transfer this data from a server script to another server script using a bindable event.

Though whenever I try to use this script here and a bindable event, it sends to the server and logs it in the table properly, but the accessory has no children for the handle or mesh.


This is the script that runs, adds the accessory and saves it



It shows it being added to the table whenever I add the accessory, but whenever I reset, it adds it to the player but there are no children so it doesn’t appear because it’s an empty entity.


Though this script works perfectly fine when I use a remote event from a local script, but I don’t want to use a local script and remote event for how I’m doing this.

You might have to set hairClone’s parent before calling AddAccessory? It’s my only thought to why it might be missing children.

Actually I figured it out, I was adding the clone to the table but I had to add the reference to the hair in replicated storage instead, not the clone. Thanks for the help though!

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