Using a specific roblox-machine-id

I get the roblox-machine-id every request I make (circled in image).

However, I get a different machine-id each time, how can I reuse the machine id and get the same machine-id each time? I tried putting it in the header but simply doing that does not work and it still returns a different roblox-machine-id each time.

Please dm me if you have any way, I am fetching an API externally with proxies.

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Have you tried storing the cookie and including it in the requests?

yes, i have tried that. I think it is something else.

Still looking for solutions to this problem. I think it might not be solvable, but if there are any old roblox-machine-id list that would help too. If I remember correctly old roblox-machine-id before the change looked like CHI-WEB… but not it seems like a UUID.

I doubt this is possible due to the many network optimizations Roblox are doing on their end. If something like that was to be possible it could be used by malicious actors for things such as DDOS attacks.

Why do you even want to contact the same server each time? If you tell us the reason there might be another way to solve the issue.