I’m trying to figure out ways to reduce memory for objects that are no longer needed within’ a server.
But it seems the method itself to remove them is flawed.
I made a test by creating 100k instances and then deleting them while also removing any and all references to them in the script then deleting the script. The outcome always shows that the memory stabilizes 100mb-200mb above what the initial memory was.
local memory_leak = {}
print("Wait 5 before leak")
print("Memory Leak!")
for i = 1, 100000 do
local Part = Instance.new("Part")
Part.Anchored = true
Part.Parent = workspace
table.insert(memory_leak, Part)
Part = nil
print("Wait 5 before cleanup!")
for i = 1, #memory_leak do
memory_leak[i] = nil
memory_leak = nil
Now my question is, is there any possible way to manage the memory to actually release any and all references of the object to free up the memory in question. This is in a case where the environment is perfect with no references to the deleted object.
I have seen responses saying that they keep them in reference to be ‘reused’ but wouldn’t be it better to give us the service/functions to fully release it to free memory? I feel like this would be the next big thing to be able to do if possible.
The outcome I want to be able to do is have memory restore to it’s near perfect state after the memory leak stress test.
Studio, again the memory increase was expected when I created the instances I expected the memory to decrease to it’s initial amount after cleaning up the instances.
Here are the numbers I got while ingame and not studio.
314MB - Initial before memory leak test.
697MB - Instances are flooded in.
376MB - Instances are cleaned and memory is reduced.
Studio usually never yields the consistent or accurate memory results. Try testing in the game client itself. For example, on one of my games studio would take up just over 1gb of memory, but in game it was only a few hundred megabytes.
For after your post was edited:
Memory can be something that you can’t really rely on. It’s worth noting that it’s not consistent and can take some time before the garbage collector gets to cleaning up everything. Also, are you checking the memory with collectgarbage("count")?
I can’t advise you beyond this point much; I can’t find much technical documentation about the garbage collector. Something to note is that the garbage collector runs basically at random, as we can’t control when it does. Also, creating 100k instances is quite a lot and probably more than most games. I wouldn’t worry too much.