Using f6 to test in a new window breaks mobile emulator

Whenever I press f6 to open a “play solo” test in a new window, the mobile emulator hides all mobile controls, and doesn’t let you tap the screen to move the camera or move around. Instead, it lets you move around with WASD and right click to move the camera.

This only happens when I open “play solo” in a new window. If I press f5 to open it in the same window, mobile controls work like normal.


Wow, surprised this wasn’t addressed in over 2 years. Regardless, the issue seems to have been fixed for the default mobile controls. However, new mobile buttons made via ContextActionService do not appear when play testing using f6, with 1 or more players. f5 works fine for me as well, it just seems to be that hosting a local server displays this behaviour.

Here is a baseplate with regular Play (f5):

Here is the same baseplate testing with a Local Server, 1 player (f6):

No button here. Note how the iPad is now flipped vertically as well! I wasn’t aware that tablets could be played in portrait mode since we don’t have the choice to flip them using the emulator.

Here’s the script for the button, it’s the only script and the baseplate is brand-new. I’m also running the latest version of studio on Windows 10.

    local cAS = game:GetService("ContextActionService")
    local RS = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")

    function HI()

    local hey = cAS:BindAction("hey", HI, true)
    local heyButton = cAS:GetButton("hey")

    local screen = workspace.CurrentCamera.ViewportSize
    local dydx = screen.Y/screen.X

    heyButton.Size = heyButton.Size +, -45, 0, -45)
    heyButton.Size = heyButton.Size +, 0, 0.225 / dydx, 0)

    local offset = 0.15/dydx
    if ((dydx > 0.7) or (screen.Y < 550)) then offset = 0 end