Using free models can get you in trouble?

I saw a free model being a copy of the Slap Battles map. But what if you’ve put it in your game without knowing, Slap Battles developers see it, and contact Roblox about it. You could say the free model only would get removed, but now what if it gets removed without you knowing, and the model stays in your game??

Should we refrain for adding free models in our game, and could you get in trouble for that??

Can you get in trouble for that?
  • Yes
  • No

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Should we refrain from adding free models in our games?
  • Yes
  • No

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I am not to sure, but I believe they can contact roblox and provide proof of the models that have been used created by the main developers of said game and request for a DMCA claim along with how people can do with clothing.

As for getting in trouble, it will have to be the roblox staff making the decision on whether to take avtion on it of it is against the rules to use other peoples assets in a different game wothout permission or other things.

As stated, I am not 100% sure if this is actually a thing that can happen but I believe it is possible.


So what should we do? Because you can’t really know if a free model is an asset from another game or something.

You’re right, honestly, you can use the model/asset and see where that goes. And honestly if they do decide to go to roblox about it then so be it may. I doubt roblxo will actually makena big fuss about a asset being used or whatever. They have bigger things to worry about.


In the case of the Slap Battles map, I specifically asked the developers, and they told me I can’t take any asset from the game. I aren’t personally risking it :))

I use free models as temp models, then I would make a new one or edit the free model to fit my style, intent. If you do it like that then I dont think you would get into troubles


it really depends, there’s a bunch of good free models out there, one good example is skyboxes. and also this is not how ip infringement works… you don’t take a free model and say that people stole it from you

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Depends if you edit only a little thing or the whole thing (map, in this case).

Uh? Then what? I heard you can’t steal asset from someone without permission.

you can use the toolbox but just make sure you are checking what your using and making sure it’s actually not stolen from another game

I don’t know about you, but I didn’t play every game in Roblox. That’s literaly the topic of this post!! If you never played Slap Battles and see the map I talked about, you may find it cool and add it to your game!