Using _G to store access to a framework - good or bad idea?

I wrote a framework for the things I do a lot in my game - setting up interfaces, unit testing, and access to a variety of locations for other modules (eg. constants, helper code & template objects).

The way I’m doing it right now is that every service gets a reference to the framework variable, so they have full access to everything. The issue comes about when code inside these services needs to access the framework (as an example, I have a main service for controlling AI; inside that service, I have code for controlling the AI’s character; that code has no reference to the framework).

I’ve been thinking about how best to allow everything to access the framework and come up with two solutions. Either I can pass it around to every module that needs it (so it becomes an extra argument into that module’s constructor), or I can reference it through the global table (_G.Framework).

I’m just wondering, is there any reason why I shouldn’t use _G.Framework for this? It seems like the best option but I’ve heard people say not to use _G in the past, so I want to see if there’s any actuality to that or if it’d be fine to go with that option.



You might find this thread with a similar topic interesting. In spite of the title, the answers pretty much turned into the same discussion you’re looking for.

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If you happen to use another script from someone and the script assigns _G.Framework to something else, you’re gonna have some issues.

Generally it’s best practice to avoid using _G if possible, because anything can arbitrarily write/overwrite things to it.


Storing widely-used, immutable variables in _G or shared is fine.
Storing mutable game state in _G or shared is not fine.
Your use case is fine.

Lock down _G after you load it up to mitigate the overwrite issue.

_G.Framework = blah

setmetatable(_G, {
    __index = error,
    __newindex = error,
    __metatable = "Locked",

This doesn’t really help, as it would just break other scripts that need to use _G

It won’t break other scripts reading valid values from _G.

It will break scripts trying to write values and read nonexistent values from _G, which is what we want.

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I don’t think we want any scripts to be broken if we can avoid it? Which is why it’s generally reccomended not to use _G


I don’t think we want any scripts to be broken if we can avoid it?

If you are doing something bad with a global table, you want your script to break. Loudly.


It would be best to make the Framework with Module Scripts and use require (, and, if another script starts before the Framework, even for a few microseconds, errors can occur.

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