Using GameAnalytics (Retention and Monetisation) (Ez mode)

This doesn’t seem to work for me, I get this error message when I try to use RecordTransaction or RecordResource:

Screen Shot 2020-06-15 at 8.24.40 PM

I looked at the source code, and it seems that this is causing the problem:

URL_Events				= "" .. GameKey .. "/events"

I went to the link and it said this

Screen Shot 2020-06-15 at 8.26.15 PM

Please help, thanks!

Wow! Goodbye, blade and rtrack!

Thanks so much, this will definitely help me out :heart:

Here is a high five for your effort :raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed:

Edit: I will be using this on Infinite Autocorrect and What’s The Word (front-page games). For anybody scrolling by, it works great!

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Making a seperate reply, because this should get some attention.

You do use spawn, which is inefficient.
I would reccommend something like coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(func()end))?

EDIT: Oop, there are some issues. Anybody know how to solve the “Http 400” error?
Annotation 2020-06-16 082903
Does that after every attempt to send request.

GameAnalytics made an official SDK for Roblox!

Nice tutorial though!


It’s not recommended to use it. It has many critical errors that can disable other functions in other scripts(For example some MarketplaceService stuff)

Anyways, this is pretty nice! Is there any way to send Premium Playtime? I don’t understand

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I’m just wondering if you could elaborate what you mean by:

How would a script be able to disable a service’s functionality?

Firstly, some stuff randomly errors.

And one example of overwriting other script(s) funtionlity is the MarketplaceService’s function to handling product purchases

Wow thank you so much for making this! I have only one question, how does writing a random string name find a game pass or dev product when recording transactions? Like I could say I have a gamepass that gives free food, and the price is 5000000 robux, so I write, (player, 5000000, but then how would I actually call the gamepass, because writing “Free:Food:Gamepass” isn’t going to do anything as far as I know?)

You don’t call the gamepass, just write the name of it. For better organisation on the GA website, type “Gamepass:Food”, but the data GA receives isn’t directly tied to Roblox, its just recording what you tell it.

Hope that helps.

Thanks for replying!

But what am I supposed to tell it?

Hey, I know this is an old topic but I was wondering a few things.

First off all, thanks @yejoice for making this.

How does the monetization work? I have several products in the same category with different prices? How would it know which one is bought?

Very nice tutorial!
However, you don’t have an inbuilt API for Progression so I am able to track level progression?

Hey there, I am wondering, is there anyway to track local script errors in addition to server scripts? I know clients can spam it but I believe it is worth it for me to have knowledge of what is going on client side.

After using game analytics for awhile for my new game, I have come across an issue. For whatever reason, it is taking about 12 hours for events to load into the graphs. Game analytics has obviously received the events as I have 1000+ incoming events, but it stays that way for about 12 hours, and then shows up in the table. I have set the number in that module to 1, but I don’t think it has anything to do with that. Why is game analytics doing this?

is anyone having the “Widget timed out” error? I’ve pressed the “Skip Guide” button but it doesn’t seem to do anything

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Does this support other currencies (like GBP)?

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Is anyone else getting “Can’t Parse Json”? I have http requests on, and it is still giving me that.

Roblox has disabled the ability to call urls using the http protocol. To fix this, replace all references of http:// with https://.

Frankly, calls shouldn’t have been set by default to http anyways.


Ok thank you I will try that out!