When testing in studio, I noticed the game stutters when the game analytics sends out the events. Should I be concerned about this? Does this happen in a live game?
That would be the message encryption in action. I’m not sure why it’s so expensive, but it is. It will only be the server freezing up for ~0.5-1 second, so your clients probably won’t notice.
This might be a stupid question but for the SendWait variable in the Analytics module, how long should it be for actual games?
I’ve left mine at around 300 seconds however, my game is beginning to lag and I’m guessing it might because of this value so I was wondering what your SendWait variables are.
Thats not what it says, it says they may. I’m inclined to believe their statement on it, and I think this was just added so they have the ability to change business model.
REGARDLESS, the costs of having your anonymised data sent off to someone is very low, and is far outweighed by the benefits of proper analytics. They’re GDPR compliant, so they definitely won’t be sending off specific user data
For the record, large customer data platforms, cloud analytics platforms, and mobile application telemetry apis all have privacy policies like that @TheAviator01. It wouldn’t surprise me that GameAnalytics has something similar. This is just a legal disclaimer for the fact that they may utilize third-party customer data processing apis which likely could be used to track or inform advertisers or vendors.
For comparison’s sake, any Android or iOS mobile application can choose to track IDFA/IDFV data about consumers that persists across app sessions and can be used (legally or illegally) to inform 3rd parties. You’d be surprised what GDPR, HIPAA, and other data privacy compliant platforms could do with your information. I’d not be any more concerned about GameAnalytics than I would be about Clash of Clans or Roblox itself.
I have one question. What would I do if I have a sink/source that involves two currencies at the same time? My game has two currencies and some transactions take both at the same time.
I was attempting to Initiate the module from Replicated Storage which doesn’t run scripts therefore the module wasn’t running. I fixed this issue by moving my main init script to ServerScriptService
Whenever I’ve used their Roblox SDK it’s worked fine. Are you only testing in Studio? When in Studio requests are sent to the sandbox API, not the production API.