Hey, and thanks for reading in advance.
I’m attempting to create a function that validates a list of targets sent by a client-created hitbox, using the player’s ping to determine their approximate location based on movement.
Problem being, Player:GetNetworkPing() seemingly always returns 0 in Studio testing. That obviously can’t be accurate, as the server’s idea of my character’s position is off by almost an entire second:
The purple box is actually two overlayed hitboxes, one red, one blue (client/server). The yellow markers indicate the server’s estimated position based on my ping, but since the game thinks my ping is zero, it isn’t extrapolating towards the correct position at all.
function HandleRegion(Player, ActionName, Targets, CF, Size)
if Player.Character and Core:GetStat(Player.Character, "Health") > 0
and Player.Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart") then
local Class = Core:GetStat(Player.Character, "Class", "Villager")
local Upgraded = Core:GetStat(Player.Character, "Upgrade", false)
local Root = Player.Character.HumanoidRootPart
if ActionName == "Primary" then
local AbilityFunction = (Upgraded and Abilities[Class].UpgradePrimary)
or Abilities[Class].Primary
local HitReg = Player_HitRegistry[Player]
local GuessPosition = Root.Position + (Root.AssemblyLinearVelocity * Player:GetNetworkPing())
local GuessMark = Instance.new("Part")
GuessMark.Size = Vector3.new(1, 1, 1)
GuessMark.Position = GuessPosition
GuessMark.Anchored = true; GuessMark.CanCollide = false
GuessMark.Material = Enum.Material.Neon
GuessMark.Color = Color3.new(1, 1, 0)
GuessMark.Parent = workspace
game.Debris:AddItem(GuessMark, 5)
if AbilityFunction and HitReg then
if Size == AbilityFunction.REGION_SIZE then -- idiot trap
if (GuessPosition - CF.Position).Magnitude <= 10
+ (GuessPosition - Root.Position).Magnitude
+ AbilityFunction.REGION_OFFSET then
local LagFactor = math.clamp(Player:GetNetworkPing() / 90, 1, 1.2)
local ServerTargets = Core:Hitbox(CF, Size * LagFactor)
local CuratedTargets = {}
for _,Entity in pairs(Targets) do
if not table.find(HitReg, Entity) and table.find(ServerTargets, Entity) then
table.insert(CuratedTargets, Entity)
table.insert(HitReg, Entity)
AbilityFunction.Server(Player.Character, CuratedTargets)
warn("Hitbox Security Warning: Suspect Hitbox Placement")
warn("Hitbox Security Warning: Size Mismatch")
Any help or advice is appreciated.