This thread aims to help users know what IFTTT is, and by the end of it understand how to use it efficiently. You can find a working product of this system here.
What is IFTTT?
IFTTT is the free way to do more with hundreds of the apps and devices you love, including social media. It’s an easy way to keep everything connected and in sync with each other! It offers you the ability to sync your contacts, get notified when a new item drops on amazon that you want to cop, or get notified when someone steals your car! (I’m actually gonna use that holy wow)
Cool, now what?
To get started, you’ll have to sign up on their website. It’s a simple sign up process and NO PAYMENT is needed! Once you get signed up you should be able to start getting your services ready to go.
The Steps
- To start your first app, navigate over to My Applets.
- Once you get to your applets, you’ll notice there’s nothing there. That’s fine! Go ahead and start your first applet by clicking New Applet.
- You’ll be greeted with a neat page like the one below. Select +this to start the first part of the applet (this will emit the then later on in the steps!)
- You’ll see there is a ton of services that IFTTT supports but for this tutorial I will be using Cortana.
- There’s many options for some services, just like Cortana! For this, select Say a phrase with text
- For the configuration options, it would normally look like this.
- The first box, ‘A’, is what you want the primary speech recognition to be. ‘Cortana, shout [rest here]’.
- The second box, ‘B’, is optional as you could want multiple ways to trigger the action. ‘Cortana, announce [rest here]’.
- Finally, the third box, ‘C’, is what Cortana will tell you in succession of finishing the trigger.
- Alrighty! So far you set the condition to be met! Now we’re on to the fun part, the trigger!
- The same options are given as to the condition to be met. There’s many services, but for this we will be using webhooks.
- As webhooks is meant for just sending a request, there’s only one option for it.
- Now we have the ability to set the options for the trigger. (Note: I am doing GET instead of POST as I had issues with POST not working for some apparent reason, if you can make it work then great!)
- EDIT: Use POST, change Content Type to application/json, and body to {“text”:“TextField”}
- Ingredients are the options given for the condition. CreatedAt is when the voice recognition was sent to the trigger to be made. TextField is the text we give. ‘Cortanna, shout [this is what gets sent]’
- Once you have completed the trigger, you’ll be greeted with the final page.
- Note: You only receive notifications if you have the IFTTT app instead on your mobile device.
- This should be what shows up on your My Applets page now!
Pictures of it in action
I have it set for my app to post the message it receives in the discord.
There’s many possibilities you can do with this service, as I’m using a few of them for many things myself, and it can be used in your games in many ways!
I hope you enjoyed the tutorial and use IFTTT!
Code Area
const express = require('express')
const app = express()
const bodyParser = require('body-parser')
app.use(bodyParser.json())'/test', async (req, res) => {
var id = req.body
- Good tutorial
- Bad tutorial
- It’s alright
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