Using Mixamo to make easy animations for skinned meshes (A full tutorial! Be prepared) (Bug fix included)

Alright so this is more for the people who suck at animation and rigging like me. This is just going to show you how to get the character and animation and put it into roblox.


  • A computer that could handle about 5K triangles and a lot of calculating.

  • Blender - Free download at Download — or on microsoft store

  • A lot of patients as this could take a while depending on the animation

Getting Started

Alright so head over to and just sign up. Doesn’t take long and it’s free.

So now that you’ve done that you can simply just select an animation for this demo I’m just going to use this one


Easy as that

You get a choice

Option 1

Ok so here you could import this character into roblox studio with the 3d importer in the avatar tab


Then import the animation from the animation editor


However this could cause some issues e.g long time to load for the animation, character might not even load as it has over 21K triangles, animations get raised up

Option 2

You import it into blender

What you actually do in blender

Getting blender ready

Alright so when you load up blender it may look a bit confusing but what you need to do is go to Edit → Preferences

Then press addons on the pop up and in the top right of it search for fbx

If it isn’t ticked then tick it otherwise your all good :slight_smile:

Actually importing

So now just go to File → Import → Fbx

After just find your model and double click it or press import on the pop up

Actually doing something useful and not boring*

*you may still get bored it is not a specific rule that you won’t

So when it is imported you should see your lovely character.

(If you can’t see it then press in the top left Object → Set Origin → Origin to 3d Cursor. Then Object → Set Origin → Geometry to origin. If you can’t see it after that then press the little weird dot button on the numpad next to 0. If you don’t have that then idk :person_shrugging: )

Looking at the statistic YAY

Alright so to view the count press the two circles in the top right to the right of the bow and arrow. Then just check the statistics box

And now there should be lovely confusing text on the screen

These just show how many triangles and stuff. Remember the max for a mesh currently is 21K. To see your meshes triangles just click on it so it has an orange box around it

Then just press Tab on your keyboard and it might look very confusing and orange.

This is fine all we need to do is check our triangle count and as you can see mine is at
28K so over the limit


Just exit out of edit mode for now by pressing Tab again

Reducing vertices

There are many ways to do this one of the simplest is just to press the spanner icon on the panel in the right

Then press add modifier then decimate

Where it says ratio now if you just lower that then you will see the triangle count go down so just do that until it’s far enough down so that it loses quite a lot of triangles but doesn’t turn it into a triangle. 0.5 was enough for me

So now to check press ctr + a hop back into edit mode with tab and check your triangles (if nothing is orange press a again) So now mine is 14K


which is way under the max. If yours is still over the max just press ctrl + z until your back with the slider again.


Fixing any animation bugs

Alright so some mixamo animations seem to raise up a bit and you needed to manually lower each keyframes position in blender which took ages so instead I made a script which will do it for you :smile: you can applaud now

Here it is:

import bpy

# Get the active action (the one currently selected in the Dope Sheet or Action Editor)

# Configuration
active_action = bpy.context.object.animation_data.action = "Animation"

# Get the name of the active action
action_name =
bone_name = 'mixamorig:Hips'      # Change to the name of your bone
data_path = f'pose.bones["{bone_name}"].location'  # Target the Y-axis of your bone
keyframe_index = 1  # Assuming Y-axis is the second component (0 for X, 1 for Y, 2 for Z)

# Find the appropriate action
action =

if action:
   # From this action, retrieve the appropriate F-Curve
   fcurve = action.fcurves.find(data_path, index=keyframe_index)  # Use index as a keyword argument

   Origin = fcurve.keyframe_points[0].co[1]

   if fcurve:
       # Iterate over all keyframes
       for kfp in fcurve.keyframe_points:
           Difference = Origin -[1]
           # Set the Y-location (Y-axis) to 0
 [1] = 0 - Difference

To use just press the scripting tab in the top of blender

Or press the Plus at the end → General → Scripting


To export all you need to do is like importing but press export instead. Make sure you do save it as a .fbx

These settings are recommended otherwise it could crash

Voila time to import

So hop into studio. Press the import 3d button in the avatar tab section bit then just import the character which is pretty easy so I’ll let you do that on your own.

Wonderful so for a minute stare into the soul of your character just to intimidate it into working. Professional thing I promise it’s what the pro’s don’t want you to know (I am not accountable if it doesn’t work)

To import the animation just press the animation editor then go to import → Fbx Animation


Then select the same fbx you imported then if it ask you either fbx or selected just press selected unless it breaks it in which case re import it


The animation should scale with your character so long as your import the animation before I think.

And there you go amazing mixamo animations in roblox in only 10 steps the longest bit was probably this post so good job for reading at least some of it. :+1:

Thanks for reading hope this is useful :grin::grin::grin::grin::grin:


Do you know how to do this on normal rigs

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You can export the mesh/object as a single file then go to mixamo press upload character and use the base version so mixamo’s auto rigger picks it up. Then any animation should work on it although you may get some few bugs in studio e.g it’s raised


unfortunately, mixamo doesn’t work in my location unfortunately

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If you have a vpn that works. It did this for me once but then it had worked just minutes before

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How would I export an r15 rig for it be used in Mixamo without having the armature automatically rigged so that it could be imported again into Roblox as an animation?

This is a resource that I have attempted to use, but I have not been successful with getting it to work out.

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I don’t know if that is possible as default Roblox avatars use motors to animate whereas mixamo uses bones so 1 possible solution might be to create all the bones and get the animation then copy the rotation of that bone during the animation into the motor it is representing


How would you code the mixamo character to play the animation?

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well you would just copy the animation id put it in an animation then

local Anim = CharacterHere:WaitForChild("Humanoid"):WaitForChild("Animator"):LoadAnimation(Animation here)


It is just like making animations play for a custom rig although a bit of changing

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But you looking for the humanoid which the mixamo character doesn’t have, even adding one still doesn’t work?

Sorry if this is just basic stuff and i’m being stupid, still learning how to code in lua.

Ok so the character when imported becomes a skinned mesh which is basically like an entire roblox character but in 1 mesh. This character is then controlled by bones and weight paints. If you just make that mesh into a model then rename the it to HumanoidRootPart and set it as the primary part then adding a humanoid should work

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Hmmm, the error says “unable to cast value to object”.

This is how the character is set up.
And the HumanoidRootPart is set to the Mannequin.

I would name the mesh HumanoidRootPart and make that the primary part

Hmm, error is still the same.
I have other characters and tried with them still doesn’t work.

Can you show me the script you have and the error from the output

Yep. Here it is.

And can I see the code inside that script?

Prerty much the same.

local Anim = workspace.Mannequin:WaitForChild("Humanoid"):WaitForChild("Animator"):LoadAnimation(16301438939)


That is not how you load animations.


you need to have an actual animation object in the brackets not the id

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