This is just a small question, but would it be possible to use module functions without doing
local modulename = require(<path here>)
require(<path here>) --or something else whatever
This is just a small question, but would it be possible to use module functions without doing
local modulename = require(<path here>)
require(<path here>) --or something else whatever
you could do this ig
Thats not what I want, I want to just require the module in some way then just use the functions like this functionlol(...)
local functionlol = require(PathToModule).functionlol
not like that either
--require module here without local or any variable
kinda like script
, its integrated into the script enviroments
you need to access it or functionlol won’t equal to anything, what is the point in what you are trying to do…
ok then, I know that now then
You can require a module script with 1 function like this
local function hi()
return "hi"
return hi
and in another file
local hiFunc = require("hifile")
But this is rather unpractical if you need many functions - so this could be useful if you need one big function that is used a lot, however I wouldn’t use this because this can affect performance if it needs to create a new file just for 1 function.
return function()
return "hi"
another option would be to just return the function without a local variable
I’m pretty sure what he’s asking is if you can do something like just requiring the modules with having access to all functions without making it a variable like in python you would do:
from pathToModule import *
Am I correct @PoweredToFour ?
If he wants the function to be accessed like that the best way to approach this was how D0RYU did it.
local testFunc = require("Path").thisFunc
Lua doesn’t have an “import” function, as “require” is used for module scripts.
I am aware lua doesn’t have an “import” that was just an example
I think he don’t want to reference the variable
local abc = require(<path>)
test() -- test is a function inside abc module table
maybe you can do something like that with getenv or whatever
kinda like that but just without the module / function name before it
like that ye, but getfenv idk what the hell that even does
Yes that’s what I said that’s why i did:
from pathToModule import *
Which imports everything in the module and you won’t have to use the module name to use its functions
Ok then yeah, I ment it like that.
Yeah it’s get fenv though not recommended.
I wonder how bad the performance hit is.
someone will test it some day… i just know
I don’t see why that isn’t good enough
why risk and use getfenv(), yea my method is more code depending on how many functions are in the module, but it is overall safer then using getfenv()