I have a plugin (Movie Lighting Plugin), and it gives the option to convert the lighting settings to a module script, and with this I plan to make it so when a proximity prompt is triggered it will change the lighting settings to the settings inside of the module script.
I imagine this will go through by when the proximityprompt from a serverscript is fired it will go to a RemoteEvent, then changing the person who triggered it has their lighting changed.
Here is what I have, not sure how to implement this?
Take input on settings (Could be either booleans, string, or number values)
Then create a function that edits the module after taking that input.
Create another function that changes the lightning setting, with that input.
-- First I will go on the setting panel, change ClockTime to 10
-- On my regular script, I would detect that with FunctionA, and send that to FunctionB to edit modulescript
-- On FunctionB, I change the value on the Module script
-- I can either create a loop that constantly checks for updates on the module, then update
-- Or I can update the settings inside of FunctionB
That’s probably the furthest I can go without giving you a script.
the reason I didn’t write a little script is because I don’t know how your plugin works or even how to script plugins (but sure i still know which steps to do)