Using Off-Site links

Hey Developers,

I’m in the process of making this sort of ban panel where users can enter links that are evidence such as gyazo etc. And I was wondering if this against the Roblox ToS or not? I know Roblox has a off-site link policy for some things but I couldn’t find anything that said this wasn’t allowed.

Any help would be appreciated. :heart:

  1. Directing Users Off-Platform
    When using Roblox, you may not link to any external websites or services, except for : YouTube, Facebook, Discord, Twitter, and Twitch. Links to any of those approved sites must be wrapped in the applicable Policy API or listed in the Social Networks and Social Links settings of your profile or experience description page. Links that appear in locations where the API cannot be deployed - such as text chat - are prohibited. Any other links are prohibited, including:
  • Links that contain Roblox-inappropriate content
  • Partial links, filter-breaking, and permitted website links to non-permitted websites
  • Encouraging others to visit unpermitted external links

For their privacy and safety, we don’t permit users under 13 to share links.

- Roblox Community Standards

That would not apply in this case I don’t think. The user wants them to add there own URL so the user would not be directing them off-platform. If they where to have a link to a facebook post or something in a UI then yea cuz it’s directing people off-platform.

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To answer your question I don’t think so. I know many different games which do this (some popular) so from my knowledge I don’t think it is. Also if it does not say it on any of the legal documents then you should be fine.

The same would apply to the player. It’s also not allowed to redirect through an approved website. Such as directing to a Tweet that redirects somewhere else that isn’t allowed.

In addition to that, there are rules regarding what content you’re allowed to save and store, this includes offsite. I’m trying to find the exact documentation on where I saw this, but it said something about requiring you to filter any user-input text before storing it (including off-site). I’ll update if I find what I’m looking for.

I still can’t seem to find the exact information, but this can be found under Text and Chat Filtering:

“One of the most important ways to keep games safe and secure is to apply proper text filtering. Roblox has a text filter feature that not only prevents users from seeing profane or inappropriate messages, but also blocks personally identifiable information. Roblox has many young users who should be safeguarded against sharing or seeing certain content.”

There are rules against storing personal information and I could only assume that filtering the text is a requirement to avoid doing that. While a Gyazo link might not be “personal information”, it’s better to be safe than sorry. Additionally, you might as well just direct to Discord or Guilded with a specific channel to post evidence, as long as that link is wrapped in a PolicyAPI check. That also guarantees that the user is 13+ and allowed to use Discord or Guilded.

Forgot to also mention that even if Roblox doesn’t have any explicit rules about any given subject, it’s important to note that you are still subject to the law. Primarily US law as that’s where Roblox is stationed.

Simply make sure you do not direct users off site. As long as these links are never publicly displayed to players and you store them externally you are at no risk of facing moderation.

If you are unusually paranoid and want peace of mind, do not include anything referring to “link” or “site” in your code and merely store variables and text as “evidence” e.t.c since roblox staff can read your published code at will and have bots scan your code for keywords.

I wouldn’t recommend doing anything to bypass moderation.

Links are allowed in-game as long as you wrap them in a PolicyAPI check. PolicyAPI should be used for all policy-related applications, such as buying in-game content with Robux, trading, lootboxes, etc. More info can be found on the linked page. You’ll want to check for AllowedExternalLinkReferences specifically.