Using One Button for Click and DoubleClick Events

  1. What do you want to achieve? I want to use a singular button that registers a SingleClick event and a DoubleClick event, with the DoubleClick event having a higher priority than the SingleClick. For example, I want a GUI to open and display unit stats when you click on the unit’s button in the inventory. However, I also want users to be able to double click this same button to equip/unequip the unit.

  2. What is the issue? The issue I’m having is getting the GUI to stay open once a double click is registered.

  3. What solutions have you tried so far? What I’ve tried is

local Visible = false
local Clicks = 0
local Threshold = 2
local Time = 0.5
local LastClick = nil
local Equipped = false
	if not Visible then
		LastClick = tick()
		Visible = true
		local ElapsedClickTime = tick() - LastClick
		if (ElapsedClickTime >= Time) then
			Visible = false
			Clicks += 1
			local HitThreshold = (Clicks % Threshold) == 0
			if (HitThreshold) then
				Equipped = not Equipped
			Clicks -= 1
		LastClick = tick()

Anyone have any ideas how to approach this? The script I tried writing has the opposite effect - it closes when I double click but doesn’t do much about single click.

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