Using particles to make a campfire

This tutorial will not only teach you how to (obviously) create a campfire using particles, but it will also introduce you to using particles in general. It goes through some more important aspects of particles, like changing the particle, size, color, etc. and also some lesser known parts of Particles like sequences.

Start out with a few blocks, around 2 or 3, and play around with their size and rotation until you get a vague campfire shape. Make sure to add material and color to these blocks to make them look like wood.

Now, add a new block and position it where you want the fire to appear. Try to place it around the middle, inside the logs, like this.

Open the Explorer and Properties Tab, which is under View at the top.

Click the “+” next to the new Part you have equipped, and type in “Particle”, then click ParticleEmitter.

Make sure to set the original Part’s transparency to 1 in Properties so that your players can’t see the part making the fire appear. For the sake of the tutorial, I will leave the Part visible so that you all can see where the fire is appearing from. Do not skip this step though.

Now, your campfire should look something like this.

Now that ParticleEmitter is attached to the part, click on ParticleEmitter and look through Properties (Below Explorer).

We’ll start by changing the texture of the particle. Go through the Creator Marketplace (Roblox) and search for a particle you like. Note that any decal in the marketplace will work as a particle.

For this tutorial, I’ll be using this square particle (square - Roblox) I found, made by ejones808. We need the Decal ID for this, so look at the URL of the texture you’re using. The ID will be found to the right of /library/, and it is just the numbers that are associated with the image.

The ID of this particle is “2282042320”
Copy the ID of the particle you’re using, and go back to Properties on Roblox Studio. Paste the ID you copied into “Texture”, while deleting what was in the field before that.

Change the size until it seems good for a fire. For this particle, we’ll go with “.5”.

Now, we need to make the fire particles fire colored!
Click on the 3 dots next to Color. You may need to click on Color first for these dots to appear.

Now that you’ve done that, you’ll have a new tab appear on your screen. It should look like one large white box. On the far left of the box, click on the small yellow triangle. Now, click on the Color box and set it to a decent yellow color.

Then, click on the other triangle at the end of the box and set that to red.

The tab and your fire should look like this when you’re done.

Now, you’ll see the fire is extending super high into the air. This, of course, isn’t how fire works in real life, so let’s fix it. Scroll down through Properties until you find Lifetime, and fiddle with it until you get a decent fire size. For this tutorial, we’ll be using “.7”.

This is a decent size, but this seems to be a rather weak fire. Let’s increase the rate until we get a good roaring flame.

Now that I’ve set the “Rate” property to 100, it seems like we have a strong fire going.

Okay, now it looks weird. Flames in real life aren’t the same size at the top, so let’s fix that.

Click the 3 dots next to the Size property so you get a new tab.

Make the line fluctuate a little, making it go up a bit at the start until it goes down at the end. This way we get the fire to look like it tapers off at the end, while having a nice strong base at the bottom.

Now your fire might look like this, which is better.

We’re at a pretty good step in the tutorial so far, but we can make this fire look even better.

Scroll down and set Rotation to “-15, 15”

This will make the fire have a more random looking appearance.

We can also set squash to .1 or .2, which will make it appear more slender.

We’ve got a pretty neat campfire now, but there’s one last thing we can do to really make this pop. Scroll to the top of Properties and set LightInfluence to a decent number, around “5”. Now, you’ve got yourself a sick, glowing fire.

I hope this tutorial helped you guys learn how particles work. Let me know if anything confuses you and I’ll elaborate. More tutorials coming soon.


It would look a bit more nice with less particles, it looks kinda unatrual in a strange way, just a bit of funky in a bad way.

Other than that, good tutorial :+1:

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Nice! This could be used for a retro game, as i would say. Much better with gradients!

Also it look better when the top fire fades out