Using Part:Resize

Hello, I am wondering how part:resize() works.
To my understanding, an example code of this looks like

local part = script.Parent

Where the Enum.NormalId is the direction, and the 2 in this case is the amount to add it by.
Specifically, How would I implement it into this bit below:

	-- raycast
	local raycastResult = workspace:Raycast(bottomAttachment.WorldPosition, direction * 10, raycastParams)

	-- distance
	local ADD = 0 -- no change if no hit.
	if raycastResult then
		-- distance between TIPTOP and the raycast hitpoint
		local distance = (raycastResult.Position - tipTopAttachment.WorldPosition).Magnitude
		ADD = distance * -1 -- subtract, because we are adding stuff.
		-- print statements
		print("Distance from TIPTOP:", distance)
		print("ADD:", ADD)

Here, ADD is the amount I want to shrink the blade, so I multiplied by -1.
But any attempts I’ve made shrink it too much, or too little, or from both sides.

Below is a video of the current behavior, which I think is good, it gets the correct distance.

If anyone has any improvements, or any insight, please reply to this topic, I’ll be checking it often.
In addition, here’s the rest of my code:

local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local CollectionService = game:GetService("CollectionService")
local RunService = game:GetService("RunService")
local blade = script.Parent.Blade
local tipTopAttachment = blade:WaitForChild("TIPTOP")
local bottomAttachment = blade:WaitForChild("BOTTOM")

local normalSizeZ = 9.969 -- default size
local previousADD = nil -- previous value tracking

	-- direction
	local direction = (tipTopAttachment.WorldPosition - bottomAttachment.WorldPosition).Unit

	-- raycast
	local raycastParams =
	raycastParams.FilterType = Enum.RaycastFilterType.Exclude
	raycastParams.IgnoreWater = true

	-- dont hit these
	local playerParts = {}
	for _, player in ipairs(Players:GetPlayers()) do
		local character = player.Character or player.CharacterAdded:Wait()
		for _, descendant in ipairs(character:GetDescendants()) do
			if descendant:IsA("BasePart") then
				table.insert(playerParts, descendant)

	local ignoreParts = CollectionService:GetTagged("IGNORE")
	raycastParams.FilterDescendantsInstances = ignoreParts

	-- raycast
	local raycastResult = workspace:Raycast(bottomAttachment.WorldPosition, direction * 10, raycastParams)

	-- distance
	local ADD = 0 -- no change if no hit.
	if raycastResult then
		-- distance between TIPTOP and the raycast hitpoint
		local distance = (raycastResult.Position - tipTopAttachment.WorldPosition).Magnitude
		ADD = distance * -1 -- subtract, because we are adding stuff.
		-- print statements
		print("Distance from TIPTOP:", distance)
		print("ADD:", ADD)

I dont know if the issue is with calculating the ADD value, or with how I previously tried applying it.

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