When in-game, hitting the print screen key to take screenshots will hard-lock my clipboard, meaning that I cannot paste anything that I cut/copy after taking the screenshot. I’m thinking the image gets stuck on my clipboard due to the built in system binding to have PrintScr put an image of all displays onto the clipboard. I’ve been able to reproduce this 100% of the time.
I feel that in order to explain this best, I need to say the workflow:
In any roblox player window, press Print Screen to take a screenshot
Open a text editor, type anything and try to cut or copy it. This should behave normally in that cut will remove the text.
Attempt to paste it. It will not paste, and the paste option in the right click menu is grayed out.
The only way to fix this is to relaunch the roblox client.
This bug is still occuring, and complaints within my group about the clipboard not working are a regular occurrence - we also take quite a few screenshots, and I’m still able to reproduce this bug.
Same thing has been happening for me for a longg time, I have resorted to using a .bat file to reset my clipboard every time I accidentally lock my clipboard with this. - If you want the source to the file, please pm me on here.